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Dean RPG - Next Session Planning
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Author:  StriderRe80 [ Mon Jan 18, 2010 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dean RPG - Next Session Planning

dnemiller wrote:
your intel gathering has revealed that the map Dean will be using is the Bespin!!!!

have we figured out were he is being held???

Author:  Ruhk [ Tue Jan 19, 2010 2:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dean RPG - Next Session Planning

I assume that we are landing on the landing platform.

Now do we know the dispersion or strength of the enemy?
IE; if we split up (with the 3 stealthiest buggers go sneaking down the Service Shaft {remember to roll perceptions to check for traps/ambushes etc, and communicated your progress with the rest of us.}), will the remainder of our party be able to hold their own until the sneaky guys are able to exfil with the Hutt [or after they get the info they need from the Hutt] ?

Finally, has our Jedi General figured out how we're proceeding?
- who is going in which group..
- exfil/interrogate the Hutt..

Author:  dnemiller [ Tue Jan 19, 2010 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dean RPG - Next Session Planning

I have a bad feeling about this!!!! LOL

Author:  StriderRe80 [ Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dean RPG - Next Session Planning

Ruhk wrote:
I assume that we are landing on the landing platform.

Now do we know the dispersion or strength of the enemy?
IE; if we split up (with the 3 stealthiest buggers go sneaking down the Service Shaft {remember to roll perceptions to check for traps/ambushes etc, and communicated your progress with the rest of us.}), will the remainder of our party be able to hold their own until the sneaky guys are able to exfil with the Hutt [or after they get the info they need from the Hutt] ?

Finally, has our Jedi General figured out how we're proceeding?
- who is going in which group..
- exfil/interrogate the Hutt..

Well we could have Philip go to the front door and start yelling in his native language. since he is large he shouold be intimidating. When i get home i will re look at the map but i think he would be held in the carbiniate room but their is a security station on the other side we can bust into and maybe use agienst them. i dont know if we should split up or not.

Author:  Ruhk [ Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dean RPG - Next Session Planning

dnemiller wrote:
I have a bad feeling about this!!!! LOL

That's not helping! :P

Okay.. new plan, either everyone through the service tunnels.. or we all go through the non-giant hallway door.

I vote all through the non-giant-hallway-door.
Clearly sticking together is something we need to work on.
Those with High hp/high def stick up front with the Melee Jedi. Stealth shooters in the back.

Author:  jew3 [ Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dean RPG - Next Session Planning

So with Deans intel of the bespin map coming to us several of my question are not applicable. Here are the rest:
Which of the entrances is the main one?
How many guards at the entrance?
What times of day are the guards the heaviest/ most?
Are the people who go in and out on a regular basis (i.e. his court/ servants)?
Are there regular deliveries? Who does them (his guys, a service)? How many in a day/week?
Is there civilian (I really don't have a better term) traffic in the area so we could blend in?
Can we tell who his thugs are and what species the are?

Author:  MtMagus [ Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dean RPG - Next Session Planning

Ok just so everybody knows, I'm feeling pretty sick, so I'm going to set this session out. I did update my char sheet so if Dean or anybody else needs to use him they are free to do so.

Author:  dnemiller [ Thu Jan 21, 2010 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dean RPG - Next Session Planning

wow guys it is now midnite and my internet is back up.

I apologize for this crap. Well we can have a make up session on another nite or just wait it is completely up to you and I am at you guys humble service.

As a way to say I am sorry for wasting everyone's weds nite RPG session while Mediacom (the worst internet provider on earth) was down. Everyone gets 1000 experience points for waitng on me.

If you were not waiting or on the call you get nothing!!!!

Anyways you guys post here to tell me whether to wait or a make up nite. Completely up to you!!!!

Author:  Grand Moff Boris [ Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dean RPG - Next Session Planning

I'm good either way. Sunday afternoon/evening would be a good time for me if there is a consensus.

Author:  StriderRe80 [ Thu Jan 21, 2010 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dean RPG - Next Session Planning

Thanks Dean I feel sorry that you have a crummy cable company

I was thinking friday night but sunday would work if eveyone agrees to that as well

and i think i had this whole hutt thing wrong. I thought the hutt was kidnapped but we are going into his stronghold??? If that is the case i do not think we should do a smash and grab becasue he will be hesatant to talk to us afterward. I think we should schedual an aduance with him and see if we can grease the wheels to see if we can get info out of him i mean right now we have the money to do it. he is a hutt after all and we know that he is working both sides so we could use that or try and get into his organization to find out any info that way as well. If we go busting in we are probably going to run into vong aslo how are negotating with him as well. so if we do that we can have a sneaky guys go up into that visitor section first to see if anyone is waiting their so we dont get blind sided

Author:  dnemiller [ Thu Jan 21, 2010 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dean RPG - Next Session Planning

no the intel you guys received about the hutt is he has gone missing..... ie no one knows how. that is the mystery. You guys were able to pinpoint this as a location.

As far as Bespin. The landing pad is speeder parking. The two rooms off the landing pad are the security offices. The rest of the building is the stronghold itself.

Picture the security offices as a checkpoint to get into the landing pad.

Author:  Ruhk [ Thu Jan 21, 2010 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dean RPG - Next Session Planning

I'd like to requision a Warrant to searc the premisis, from the local authority, if possible. (yes I know we're in Hutt space.. it could still happen!)

If that doesn't work, we can try to talk our way into the entrance of the fortress and 'poke' our way around. Maybe talk to the Lord of the fortress (what can we offer him in exchange for acces/info on Hutt)

If they deny us entrance, then we just bust our way in! But only as a last ditch resort.

In any case, I still suggest completely staying together. And opening 1 door at a time. :P

Keep your eyes peeled for traps/ambushes.

Author:  StriderRe80 [ Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dean RPG - Next Session Planning

Ruhk wrote:
I'd like to requision a Warrant to searc the premisis, from the local authority, if possible. (yes I know we're in Hutt space.. it could still happen!)

maybe if we can get hutt athority it might work since the hutts do have the power but the problem with that is that the hutts will have to admitt their is something wrong or we might find out the hutts are covering this up so it might not be good

Ruhk wrote:
If that doesn't work, we can try to talk our way into the entrance of the fortress and 'poke' our way around. Maybe talk to the Lord of the fortress (what can we offer him in exchange for acces/info on Hutt)

I dont think talking will get us anywere and have a feeling that mind trick will not work

Ruhk wrote:
If they deny us entrance, then we just bust our way in! But only as a last ditch resort.

This is what we are going to have to do i think and we will be faceing vong becasue i have a feeling this is a vong stronghold

Ruhk wrote:
In any case, I still suggest completely staying together. And opening 1 door at a time. :P

Keep your eyes peeled for traps/ambushes.

Will agree with this but i was thinking should we keep someone at the ship to cover our entrance and or also to make sure that no one boards our ship or puts a bomb on it????

Author:  dnemiller [ Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dean RPG - Next Session Planning

you guys have this all worked out are you sure you need me!! LOL

I can promise you this what is going to happen is the last thing on earth you ever expected !!!!! Chew on that!!!!

Author:  jew3 [ Thu Jan 21, 2010 5:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dean RPG - Next Session Planning

Let me know what night works. I neither is exceptional for me but as long a Saturday is out should be okay. Dean I was on the call for a while then I went away do I get xp?

Author:  billiv15 [ Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dean RPG - Next Session Planning

The only one who doesn't get it is Matt. But I can't do Friday, but I might be able to run Sat night. I'm not sure. But if everyone else besides me can do it, then by all means, go without me for the good of the game :)

Author:  Ruhk [ Thu Jan 21, 2010 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dean RPG - Next Session Planning

as long as I know when ahead of time, I should be good, any night except tuesday though.. got night class then.

Author:  Ruhk [ Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dean RPG - Next Session Planning

From: Kurihan
To: Gil and Tai
Re: Status update

Gentlemen, thank you for being so kind as to guard the ship while we were engaged in an exciting series of event. Our first encounter was to gain access to the fortress we had been observing this past week. Surprisingly we were granted access at first request and ushered in to see the lord of the manor. Thankful no one did anything stupid as mounted throughout the interior were dozens of blaster turrets. However the real shock was when we met the master of the manor.. only to discover he was a Sith lord! It would have been nice to have been forewarned of the Sith, however it appears our group is encumbered by an incompetent Force user.

Dealings with the Sith were shockingly cordial, and we learned many disturbing facts;
1. The Hutt we seeked was long dead and this Sith had taken control of his holdings.
2. We received information that there are collaborators with the invaders. A group calling themselves "The Peace Brigade".
3. We further confirmed that no direct Force powers are effective on these intruders. Also its is clear that they are Force-less, a terrifying discovery for some. Perhaps it would be possible in the future to sense for Force-less areas when searching for these Yuuzhan Vong.
4. Should we wish to capture a Yuuzhan Vong, sever their hands at the wrist, as this is were their poison is contained.
5. If we so chose, we may continue to work with (for?) the Sith providing we do not reveal their existence to the Jedi. Provided the Sith continue to uphold their end of the bargain, I strongly suggest we keep this confidence as they have proven to be a useful ally thus far.
6. The Sith gave us an access code should we wish to contact him, and revealed to us that we may call him 'Hett'.

Shortly after leaving the compound we were beset by a large group of Force-user. They claimed to be arresting us for treason and then ignited their lightsabers. The more observant of us recognized that their blades were red, and they attacked us using aggressive Force techniques. Battle ensued and it was clear that the enemy were much stronger than us. However we were saved when two powerful Jedi Knights, Sithhunters, came to our aide. We were then able to dispatch them one by one.

After defeating the enemies, the Knights departed and we were contacted by Lord Hett. He sent us coordinates, informing us they were the locations to a Peace Brigade recruiting center. We were mildly dumbfounded to see that they were on Coruscant.

We contacted Master Sorko, revealing what we had found out (without mentioning the source), and he charged us with infiltrating the organization. We were granted access to several NRI safe houses on Coruscant and several different credit accounts totaling over one million credits.

I highly suggest you gentlemen stop consuming so much alcohol the evening before a mission takes place.

Good Day.

Author:  jew3 [ Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dean RPG - Next Session Planning

Sorry I wasnt there last night guys. I had checked several times on here yesterday to see if we were playing. I killed off my phone this weekend. Sorry again.

Author:  Grand Moff Boris [ Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dean RPG - Next Session Planning

You guys played last night? Don't feel bad James no one told me either.

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