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New Republic Squad with no Name (NRSN)
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Author:  Grand Moff Boris [ Fri Apr 09, 2010 10:55 am ]
Post subject:  New Republic Squad with no Name (NRSN)

54 Kyle Kataran, Jedi Battlemaster
28 Ganner Rhysode
23 General Wedge Antilles
10 Luke, Force Spirit
09 Ugnaught Demolitionist x3
09 General Dodonna
08 R7 Astromech
05 Camassi Noble
04 Gran Raider

It's pretty straightfoward. Ganner levitates Kyle around the battlefield, and after Kyle is dead, he cleans up what ever is left. I thought about using Han in his place, which would free up Luke as well, but not sure what I would change about the support.

Author:  Disturbed1 [ Mon May 17, 2010 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Republic Squad with no Name (NRSN)

While I like it, I do see some issues:
Not enough damage output. I realize he has evade and mroe FP to keep him alive longer, but 140? hp is still kidna fragile for that to be the single major threat in a 150 squad, i think.

Luke keeping up with Kyle. Speed 4 is generally enough, but if you get low on FP, or are concerned with keeping him nearby so kyle always gets his renewal, then, with Ganner levitating away, and kyle moving 6 to assault, you might put yourself in a situation where you have to move kyle first, outside renewal range.

11 activations is generally enough at 150, or close to, especially if they arent playing tempo, but with kyle as your only threat, it might become an issue further into the game.

Author:  jedispyder [ Mon May 17, 2010 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Republic Squad with no Name (NRSN)

I'd think about removing Wedge and an Ug for Kyp.

Author:  Sithdragon13 [ Mon May 17, 2010 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Republic Squad with no Name (NRSN)

Except without Wedge, Kyle will get killed by the shooters before he can do anything. I would leave it as is.

Author:  LoboStele [ Mon May 17, 2010 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Republic Squad with no Name (NRSN)

Except that the 3 NR squads in Owensboro in the Top 4 all had Ganner, but not Wedge. And 2 of those 3 had Kyle. I think if you have Ganner, you really don't need Wedge so much. Hard for me to say though, as I haven't played the Kyle/Mara/Ganner build much, and I have run the Han/Mara/Ganner build, and you definitely don't need Wedge in that build. At 150 points, your opponent's won't have as many shooters either, and this squad really only has one threat, Kyle. So I'm thinking that the addition of a 2nd power piece would be a smart move here.

Author:  The Madman [ Mon May 17, 2010 9:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Republic Squad with no Name (NRSN)

it's solid
I've been playing it ever since Ganner came out
it works out well with swapping out Kyp too

I have noticed I really don't need the luke FS...
I played today using the TBS Vigo
and dropped the Diplomat, luke and an UGO

Author:  jedispyder [ Mon May 17, 2010 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Republic Squad with no Name (NRSN)

Sithdragon13 wrote:
Except without Wedge, Kyle will get killed by the shooters before he can do anything. I would leave it as is.

With this thinking EVERY squad for Rebels and New Republic absolutely positively has to have their specific Evade commander in order to survive. You don't always need Evade, as others above posted. NR worked perfectly fine before Wedge, and I'm a bit sick of people thinking every single squad has to have him. Wedge is mainly helping 1 person in this squad (since Ganner has Stealth I won't count him), and his Accurate is nice for taking out Ugs (and in my experience most times he fails at that). But if you use Kyp you have the possibility of doing more damage. Wedge isn't a necessity in every squad. It's just like almost every Imperial squad has mitthThrawn and every Rebel has Rieekan. It's possible to create a great squad with any of these 3. Sorry for the rant, been a LONG day for me at work...

Author:  Sithdragon13 [ Tue May 18, 2010 6:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Republic Squad with no Name (NRSN)

jedispyder wrote:
Sithdragon13 wrote:
Except without Wedge, Kyle will get killed by the shooters before he can do anything. I would leave it as is.

With this thinking EVERY squad for Rebels and New Republic absolutely positively has to have their specific Evade commander in order to survive. You don't always need Evade, as others above posted. NR worked perfectly fine before Wedge, and I'm a bit sick of people thinking every single squad has to have him. Wedge is mainly helping 1 person in this squad (since Ganner has Stealth I won't count him), and his Accurate is nice for taking out Ugs (and in my experience most times he fails at that). But if you use Kyp you have the possibility of doing more damage. Wedge isn't a necessity in every squad. It's just like almost every Imperial squad has mitthThrawn and every Rebel has Rieekan. It's possible to create a great squad with any of these 3. Sorry for the rant, been a LONG day for me at work...

Right, I never said he was needed every time, but in this squad there is only one threat. If kyle goes down you lose. Your opponent will know this as well and will focus everything on him. Since kyle cant stop melee damage or ranged damage, he will go down fast. The Levitation will really help minimize what he takes, but without another threat i wouldnt drop Wedge.

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