Kylanm wrote:
Hello, friends and I were playing for the first time. I was using darth vader on a map that everyone at the table agreed had windows which on the map, have the red outline impying they are hard walls. There was one moment where I was within range to deal damage with force powers via line of sight. But it would of been line of sight via the window. As a group we decided against me being allowed to deal damage. But would like to know what the offical stance would be?
First, windows are only used in scenarios. So the "official" rule is that windows don't even exist in standard games. They are just walls.
However, assuming this is either a scenario or for a casual you have agreed to use windows, then... well, now I have to go find a physical rulebook that uses windows. The last published rulebook is linked here, but it doesn't mention windows:'ll have an answer for you shortly.