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 Post subject: What works against TLTs?
PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:55 am 
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I've been running an Imperial list I created about 4 months ago. Here it is:

Vader with Predator, Stealth Device, Tie/X1, Advanced Targeting Computer-36pts

Soontir with Push the Limit, Autothrusters, Royal Guard Tie, Stealth Device-35pts

Omicron Shuttle, Emperor Palpatine-29pts

We have a store in the area that is quite generous with their prize support...20$ store credit for fourth and third places. 40$ store credit for second, and 100$ cash for first. In those 4 months I've won 120$ in store credit and 100$ cash...which, if you subtract the cost of the ship Palpatine comes with and the entry fees, more than pays for that ship. I've tabled all B Wing swarm variants as well as Brobots. What I am starting to lose to, though, are TLT (Twin Laser Turrets) builds. The Scum and Villainy Y Wing swarm with TLTs I don't think I can beat unless I play mistake free and outfly my opponent. We just saw Paul Heaver win his third straight Worlds Title with Poe, 2 Ys with TLTs, and a Z.

I play Imperials in general and Interceptors specifically because I enjoy them...my recent success is just icing on the cake. Assuming I want to continue with a variant of this build, does anyone have any suggestions? I just won a tournament Saturday where I replaced Vader with Carnor Jax with Push the Limit, Royal Guard Tie, Autothrusters and Stealth Device and added an Ion Projector to the shuttle. I thought Carnor would help against Poe (I have to guess his maneuver right to prevent him from doing a focus action) but didn't see any Poe builds. I beat a couple of builds with 2 TLT ships, but no Y Wing swarms. For the Y swarms I thought Zertik Strom with Predator, Tie/X1, Advanced Targeting Computer and Engine Upgrade would be better, but I haven't tried that yet.

I have practice Wednesday and another 100$ tournament Saturday and would appreciate anyone's input.

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 Post subject: Re: What works against TLTs?
PostPosted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:54 am 
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I finished third in this month's 100$ tournament, winning 20$ in store credit. I inserted Zertik Strom into the vacant Vader spot. I lost my first game against the eventual 4rth place player, a good player running a wonky Rebel build. In the second round I faced our group's best player running a Scum Y-Wing TLT build...the standard scum build exploiting TLTs. Surprisingly to both of us, I tabled him. Zertik Strom really is that good...I plan on putting him on the table more often.

Cancer is not the boss of me.

Being organized is for people who are too lazy to look for their stuff.

Lasers make everything better... except Alderaan.


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 Post subject: -
PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 7:00 am 
Unnamed Stormtrooper
Unnamed Stormtrooper

Joined: Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:55 pm
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The person you need to contact about this is Hamish Dow who practises in Newcastle. he was a big advocate of this particular gismo.
I'm sure you'll be able to look him up on the internet.




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