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Post Gencon Blues
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Author:  Xanthan [ Fri Sep 07, 2007 7:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sadly hardly anyone has shown up at my LGS for a tourney, I'm thinking a good squad would be JWM's, though Han ST, Ithorian Commander, with aqualish assassins and chadra pickpockets will work great as long as you don't run into disruptive characters.

Author:  Grambo [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 8:25 am ]
Post subject: 

I would be blue except I'm a NFL fan... and tomorrow is SUNDAY :)

Author:  Sithdragon13 [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 9:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, i am in the same boat. Prize support really doesnt mean much since everyone has near complete sets. Its just hard to get motivated when there is nothing new, and as you said, we just played in the pinnacle of SWM.

Author:  homer_sapien [ Sat Sep 08, 2007 1:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

I can't go to big things like Gencon so my smaller Friday night games are still good for me. I had fun playing a 3 round 100 point squads mini tourny last night even though I didn't come home with a free booster.

Author:  emr131 [ Sun Sep 09, 2007 4:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have not played since GenCon. It does not look likely that this will change tomorrow. 2 group members (JR78 and BGartz29) convinced the others to get into SWTCG. Boxes were dirt cheap so Dr_Divot and I got into the game by purchasing 4 booster boxes for 15 apiece. Team that up with more random board games, we are not lacking any fun but we just are not playing SWM.

Author:  dvader831 [ Sun Sep 09, 2007 8:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes, this Monday night will be the first time to dust off the dice and play a REAL LIFE game. Vassal has done wonders, but I can't wait to roll my way to victory!

Author:  Adikt2 [ Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:43 am ]
Post subject: 

I hadn't but played yesterday in a tourney at the FLGS, actually had a huge (for the venue) turnout of about 18 but I was still a little down. The other thing I have noticed is when making squads I can't bring myself to use the "big guns" and just keep making fun teams. Guess all the power gaming leading up to GenCon kinda burned me out on that aspect as well

Author:  billiv15 [ Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:59 am ]
Post subject: 

Adikt2 wrote:
I hadn't but played yesterday in a tourney at the FLGS, actually had a huge (for the venue) turnout of about 18 but I was still a little down. The other thing I have noticed is when making squads I can't bring myself to use the "big guns" and just keep making fun teams. Guess all the power gaming leading up to GenCon kinda burned me out on that aspect as well

Yep, I always take a small break post Gencon. One, because my wife wants to see me again, and two because its just a busy time of the year for me.

I will probably get back to playing minis locally sometime in October, and as FU approaches.

Author:  lostcause64 [ Mon Sep 10, 2007 5:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Unfortunately, my post-Gencon blues is related to being PO'd at myself for losing a bunch of figs I bought on Thursday at the Friday 150pt tourney. Worse, I've recently found that some of the cards for a big chunk of my Fringe figs were also in the bag with those other figs... so I now have several Fringe figs with no cards like all my Mistryl Guards, 4Lom BH, Bossk BH, ect.

Then, I found out that I was given a loss for my last game in that tourney, even though it was my opponent that dropped after the pairings for the last game... so much for my first DCI event...

Atleast, I didn't lose Boba BH...

Author:  Xanthan [ Mon Sep 10, 2007 6:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

lostcause64 wrote:
Unfortunately, my post-Gencon blues is related to being PO'd at myself for losing a bunch of figs I bought on Thursday at the Friday 150pt tourney. Worse, I've recently found that some of the cards for a big chunk of my Fringe figs were also in the bag with those other figs... so I now have several Fringe figs with no cards like all my Mistryl Guards, 4Lom BH, Bossk BH, ect.

Then, I found out that I was given a loss for my last game in that tourney, even though it was my opponent that dropped after the pairings for the last game... so much for my first DCI event...

Atleast, I didn't lose Boba BH...

wow, that really sucks.

Author:  punxnbutter [ Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Xanthan wrote:
lostcause64 wrote:
Unfortunately, my post-Gencon blues is related to being PO'd at myself for losing a bunch of figs I bought on Thursday at the Friday 150pt tourney. Worse, I've recently found that some of the cards for a big chunk of my Fringe figs were also in the bag with those other figs... so I now have several Fringe figs with no cards like all my Mistryl Guards, 4Lom BH, Bossk BH, ect.

Then, I found out that I was given a loss for my last game in that tourney, even though it was my opponent that dropped after the pairings for the last game... so much for my first DCI event...

Atleast, I didn't lose Boba BH...

wow, that really sucks.

This is the nightmare scenario; I'd be afraid to bring too many pieces to such a big tourney. Truth is if I lost just 2-3 I'd still be rippin mad though.

Author:  homer_sapien [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:20 am ]
Post subject: 

punxnbutter wrote:
This is the nightmare scenario; I'd be afraid to bring too many pieces to such a big tourney. Truth is if I lost just 2-3 I'd still be rippin mad though.

I used to bring every piece I owned before BH came out. Once it was out I couldn't fit all my Huges in the bin I use. Then I stopped bring it at all during the winter and instead just brough a smaller box with my trade rares and my squad. Never restarted with the full thing. It was just so much easier to keep track of everything with only one small box.

Author:  Adikt2 [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 7:45 am ]
Post subject:  sweet

Fool wrote:
Epic Duels???

I loved playing that game... think it was sunday maybe...

I have been trying to find a copy of it for less than the 50-150 bucks they are trying to get on eBay ever since I got to try it out.

Author:  Xffan_2000 [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:27 am ]
Post subject: 

I've not gotten in a game of SWM since GenCon. Granted, I overdosed a bit at the convention, but now I'm itching to play. Unfortunately, I've got a very full schedule until about mid-October, so I'm outta luck for now. (Unless I can convince Mr. X to drag out the minis. But he's had his fill of SWM from GenCon, too.)

Author:  LoboStele [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:30 am ]
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Haha, I'm in the same boat as some of you. Can't bring myself to play any sort of 'big guns' for the most part. Or at the very least, try something different. I played an Exar Kun squad using my newly acquired 2nd Rampaging Wampa last Thursday for our 200 pt night. I took 1st, but it doesn't mean a whole lot since none of the other guys who are usually my toughest opponents were there that night. We are doing all sorts of different stuff now though until FU hits, because pretty much none of us want to play 150, lol. We're doing 120 pt no-faction restrictions this coming week!

Author:  Grambo [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:39 am ]
Post subject: 

Just played a 200 mini-tourney last weekend... small turnout, but no one really had an answer for my insanity... Sly Moore + Darth Sidious + Darth Maul + Walking Starfighter... when it works, wooooof.

Author:  lostcause64 [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 5:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Actually, I'd have been better off if I had brought my full set to the tourney. I use a 3 tray tackle box with lots of top storage for large figs, but the case would not fit into the lockers, so I was using an old tote/duffle with a shoulder strap and kept essentials in one of the trays. But that left no room for the bag I had with the new purchases, so I brought both, since I was running late on Friday and needed to make some last minute adjustments to my squad for the tourney. So where along the line, the plastic bag with all the stuff vanished during the tourney... lost several JWM, aqualish assassins, Dark Trooper 3's, Baron Fel, and other fillers. Fraggin' thieves...

Author:  Grambo [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

lostcause64 wrote:
Actually, I'd have been better off if I had brought my full set to the tourney. I use a 3 tray tackle box with lots of top storage for large figs, but the case would not fit into the lockers, so I was using an old tote/duffle with a shoulder strap and kept essentials in one of the trays. But that left no room for the bag I had with the new purchases, so I brought both, since I was running late on Friday and needed to make some last minute adjustments to my squad for the tourney. So where along the line, the plastic bag with all the stuff vanished during the tourney... lost several JWM, aqualish assassins, Dark Trooper 3's, Baron Fel, and other fillers. Fraggin' thieves...

That sucks Sir... may they choke on their purloined figs...

Author:  LoboStele [ Wed Sep 12, 2007 8:02 am ]
Post subject: 

Grambo wrote:
lostcause64 wrote:
Actually, I'd have been better off if I had brought my full set to the tourney. I use a 3 tray tackle box with lots of top storage for large figs, but the case would not fit into the lockers, so I was using an old tote/duffle with a shoulder strap and kept essentials in one of the trays. But that left no room for the bag I had with the new purchases, so I brought both, since I was running late on Friday and needed to make some last minute adjustments to my squad for the tourney. So where along the line, the plastic bag with all the stuff vanished during the tourney... lost several JWM, aqualish assassins, Dark Trooper 3's, Baron Fel, and other fillers. Fraggin' thieves...

That sucks Sir... may they choke on their purloined figs...

Wow...no kidding. I left my stuff somewhat unattended several times and never had any issues with it. Heck, my Boba BH and Aurra JH were just sitting on the table next to my bag at least once when I realized I had walked away for a couple minutes and forgot to put them away and out of sight.

If you post on the main WOTC forums, perhaps created a thread over there and see if maybe someone picked up your bag on accident.

Author:  barzillai [ Wed Sep 12, 2007 9:31 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm taking a break too. Unless you count the games I play with my 3- and 5-year-old boys, using SWM characters and HeroScape terrain and highly simplified HeroScape rules.

I played more games at Gen Con than in the 12 months prior, so I'm a little fried.

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