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 Post subject: Dejarik 2.0
PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:10 am 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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Dejarik 2.0

Made famous by Star Wars, the Millennium Falcon’s holochess board has been the object of intrigue and speculation for decades. Many have attempted to turn the game that we see Chewbacca and R2-D2 playing in the movie into a reality, and there are various versions out there. We scoured the universe to find the best way to bring this game, known as Dejarik, to life. Ideas have been incorporated from previous versions, but mostly rely on the basic ruleset and structure from Star Wars Miniatures.

This game is being officially debuted at GenCon, but for those who may not be there - you can check it out too!

I'll post the full rules, but they are intended for non-SWM players. Since you all already know how to play SWM, here's the quick synopsis.

It is Star Wars Minis on top of the Dejarik board, with a few minor changes.

First off, new cards specifically for Dejarik 2.0 (different than the WotC versions, though you will see some similarities)

Dejarik 2.0 cards: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/517 ... 0front.pdf

Other than that - Activate 1 figure at a time, and there are no Attacks of Opportunity.

Suggested Starting Teams:
- Blue Team: the Matellian Savrip, the Kintan Strider, the Ghhhk, and the Molator
- Red Team: the Monnok, the Ng’ok, the Houjix, and the K'lor'slug

To print out your very own Dejarik Board: http://www.smithohio.com/dejarik/

Then we also have a more advanced version called Dejarik 2.0 EVOLVED.

Characters each gain an additional ability (new cards below), and a few additional rules are added.

Dejarik 2.0 EVOLVED cards: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/517 ... 20back.pdf

Additional rules for Dejarik 2.0 EVOLVED:

Any character gains the following ability while in the center space:

Draw Fire: If an enemy targets an ally, you can force that enemy to target this character instead (provided that enemy can choose this character as a target). The attacker can resist this effect with a save of 11. You must decide whether to use this ability before the attacker makes the attack.

Any character gains the following ability while in the middle orbit (between the outer orbit and the center space)

Swarm +2: +2 Attack against a target for each allied character adjacent to that target.

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 Post subject: Re: Dejarik 2.0
PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:11 am 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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Other optional ways to play:

Drafting Squads:
Both players roll the 20-sided die (d20) to see who selects first. The player with the highest result is player 1, and the player with the lower result is player 2.
-Player 1 picks the first character.
-Player 2 then picks two characters
-Player 1 then picks two characters
-Player 2 then picks two characters
-Player 1 gets the last character.

Best of 3 game challenge:
Players use the pre-selected squads in the first game, then switch squads for the second game. If both players win 1 of the first two game, draft teams for the final game, winner takes all.

3 player Free-For-All:
All players roll the 20-sided die (d20) to see who selects first. The player with the highest result is player 1, the player with the middle result is player 2, and the player with the lowest result is player 3.
-Player 1 picks the first character.
-Player 2 then picks one character
-Player 3 then picks two characters
-Player 2 then picks one characters
-Player 1 then picks one character.
(The last two characters are set aside)

Play proceeds as normal, rotating clockwise from the player who starts each round. Last player with one or more characters on the board wins.

The Power Pair:

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 Post subject: Re: Dejarik 2.0
PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:12 am 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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Full Rules:

Holochess is usually played by two, through variations do exist for three and four players.

The Board:
The Holochess board is made up of a large circle about a half meter in diameter. The board is divided into three concentric circles, called orbits. The central circle is always white. The outer orbits are divided into twelve equal segments, known as rays, which are colored alternately black and white.

Rules of Dejarik:
Dejarik is played with a set of eight pieces, each of which has unique movement, defensive and offensive capabilities. The players sit on opposite sides of the board, and each control four of the holographic combatants.

The pieces are as follows:
    The Mantellian Savrip The Kintan Strider The Ghhhk The Molator
   The Monnok The Ng’ok The Houjix The K’lor’slug

Assemble Your Squad
Players each pick 4 Dejarik characters for their squad. Players can do this by drafting (see Dejarik Evolved rules), or by taking the suggested starting teams.

Suggested Starting Teams:
- Blue Team: the Matellian Savrip, the Kintan Strider, the Ghhhk, and the Molator
- Red Team: the Monnok, the Ng’ok, the Houjix, and the K'lor'slug

Take the miniatures that make up your squad and the corresponding stat cards for those characters. (The pictures on the stat cards will help you match them up with their characters.) Place the 20-sided die (the d20) and the damage counters where both players can reach them.

Starting Positions
Before the start of the game, both players roll the (d20). The player with the highest result decides who places their characters first. If the results are the same (a tie), roll again. Whichever player is chosen takes all four of their characters and places them in four consecutive spaces in the outer-most ring, in front of either the red or the blue lights on the Dejarik board. The other player then places their pieces in a similar way directly across the board.

Who Goes First?
At the start of each round, both players roll the 20-sided die (d20) to see who goes first. This is called making an initiative check. The player with the highest result decides who goes first in the round. If the results are the same (a tie), roll again.
Sometimes you’ll want to go first; other times you’ll want to see what your opponent is up to before committing your forces.

How to Read a Stat Card
Each miniature figure represents a character from the Star Wars universe. (These rules refer to all miniatures as “characters.”) Each character has a corresponding stat card that lists its game statistics.

Hit Points represent how much damage a character can withstand before falling in battle. When a character’s Hit Points are reduced to 0, the character is defeated and removed from the battle map.

Defense represents how hard the character is to hit in combat. An attacker must roll this number or higher
to hit the character and deal damage.

Attack is a measure of how effective the character is in combat. When the character makes an attack, roll the d20 and add this number. If the result equals or exceeds the enemy’s Defense, the attack hits.

Damage is how much damage the character deals when an attack hits.

Special Abilities: These include any special attacks, qualities, or limits a character has. Special abilities can override the general rules.

How do you win?
You win by defeating all the enemy characters.

Rounds and Turns
A skirmish is played in rounds. Each round, players activate the characters on their squads, each taking turns activating one character, until one player has no more characters to activate. The other player then activates each of the rest of their characters that round. Each character can be activated only once in a round. When a character activates, that is the character’s turn. To indicate that a character has been activated in a round, turn its stat card or change the direction the miniature is facing.
A round ends when both players have activated all their characters once. Then a new round begins with a new initiative check.

Activating Characters
When you activate a character, it takes its turn. On its turn, a character can do one of the following things.
Move and then attack.
Attack and then move.
Move up to double speed.
Use an ability that replaces turn.

Allies: A character can move through a space occupied by an ally (a character on your own squad).
Enemies: A character can’t move through spaces occupied by enemies (characters on your opponent’s squad).
Diagonal Movement: Moving diagonally costs double (each space counts as 2 spaces).

When a character attacks, choose an enemy character as the target and follow these steps.
Step 1. Roll the d20 and add the attacking character’s Attack.
Step 2. If the total is at least as high as the target’s Defense, the attack hits.
Step 3. If the attack hits, subtract the attacking character’s Damage from the target’s Hit Points. Use counters to keep track of damage.
Attack Roll: d20 + Attack number
Natural 20 is a Critical Hit: If you roll a natural 20 when making an attack roll (a roll of 20 on the die, regardless of modifiers), the attack automatically hits, no matter how high the defender’s Defense. In addition, it is a critical hit and deals double damage.
Natural 1 is an Automatic Miss: If you roll a natural 1 when making an attack roll (a roll of 1 on the die, regardless of modifiers), the attack automatically misses, no matter how high the bonus on the attack roll is.
Attacking Allied Characters: A character can’t attack an allied character. This restriction doesn’t prohibit the use of special abilities and Force powers that also harm allies caught in their area—only attacks.

Special Abilities and Attacks
Sometimes a special ability deals damage, or it adds to the damage dealt by an attack. See the description of the special ability below for its effects.
Some special abilities allow a character to make additional attacks in a single turn. Roll for each attack separately: If you defeat one enemy, you can target another enemy with any remaining attacks.
Melee Attack: Characters with the Melee Attack special ability can attack only adjacent enemies.

Special Abilities
Characters have special abilities listed on their stat cards. Look below for specific rules.
Special abilities all have some rules in common.
Replaces Turn: Some special abilities and Force powers replace a character’s entire turn. A character can’t do anything else that turn, not even move.
Save: Many special abilities and Force powers require a character to save against a listed number to avoid or reduce an adverse effect. Roll the d20. If the result of the roll equals or exceeds the listed number, the save succeeds. As with attacks, a roll of natural 20 on a save is an automatic success, and a roll of natural 1 is an automatic failure.
Saves are not optional, and characters cannot voluntarily choose to fail them.
Using Special Abilities
Most special abilities are automatic. They either always work, or they work under certain conditions.
Charging Assault and Mighty Swing must be declared.

Special Ability Glossary

Bodyguard: If an adjacent allied character would take damage from an attack, a Bodyguard character can take the damage instead, even if it is not a legal target for the attacker. A Bodyguard character can’t use this special ability when an adjacent ally takes damage from something other than an attack.
This ability is found on the Houjix

Charging Assault +10: Instead of taking its normal turn, this character can move up to twice its speed and, after moving, make an attack on the same turn against an adjacent enemy. It must move at least 1 square to use this special ability. This attack gets a +10 bonus to Damage.
- This ability must be declared at the start of this character’s turn.
This ability is found on the Kintan Strider

Clamp: An enemy hit by this character’s attack takes +10 damage and cannot move this round: save 11 negates.
This ability is found on the Ng’ok

Cleave: Once per turn, if this character defeats an adjacent enemy by making an attack, it can make an immediate attack against another adjacent enemy. Cleave works even when the character is making an attack of opportunity.
This ability is found on the Ghhhk

Cunning Attack: This character gets a +4 bonus to Attack and a +10 bonus to Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round.
This ability is found on the Molator

Damage Reduction 10: When this character would take damage, reduce the damage dealt by 10. Resolve this ability only after all Bodyguard decisions have been made.
This ability is found on the Ng’ok

Double Attack: On its turn, if this character attacks without moving first, it then has the option either to move normally or to make an extra
attack. The extra attack can be against the same enemy as the original attack, but it doesn’t have to be.
This ability is found on the Houjix, the Monnok, and the Mantellian Savrip

Mighty Swing: On its turn, if this character doesn’t move any distance, it gets a +10 bonus to Damage against adjacent enemies.
- This ability must be declared before attacking.
This ability is found on the Molator

Opportunist: This character gets a +4 bonus to Attack and a +10 bonus to Damage against an enemy who has activated this round.
This ability is found on the K’lor’slug

Paralysis: If this character hits a living enemy, it can temporarily paralyze its prey. The target is considered activated. (In effect, that character skips its turn.) The target can avoid this effect with a save of 11.
This ability is found on the Ghhhk

Parry: When this character is hit by a melee attack, it can avoid the damage with a save of 11. You must decide whether to use this special ability immediately after the attack hits.
This ability is found on the Monnok

Poison +10: This character gets a +10 bonus to Damage whenever it hits a living enemy. The target can avoid this extra damage with a save of 11.
This ability is found on the K’lor’slug

Regeneration 10: If this character does not move any distance on its turn, it removes 10 damage from itself at the end of its turn. Regeneration can’t raise this character’s Hit Points above its starting amount.
This ability is found on the Kintan Strider

Rend +10: This special ability applies to some characters who can make more than one attack against an adjacent enemy. If two of the character’s attacks hit the same adjacent enemy in a turn, the second hit gets a +10 bonus to Damage.
This ability is found on the Mantellian Savrip

Dejarik 2.0  - Evolved -

At ease with Dejarik 2.0 and want to take it to the next level?
These rules can be added to normal play to increase depth of strategy.

Any character gains the following ability while in the center space:

Draw Fire: If an enemy targets an ally, you can force that enemy to target this character instead (provided that enemy can choose this character as a target). The attacker can resist this effect with a save of 11. You must decide whether to use this ability before the attacker makes the attack.

Any character gains the following ability while in the middle orbit (between the outer orbit and the center space):

Swarm +2: +2 Attack against a target for each allied character adjacent to that target.

The following are additions specific to characters:

Acrobatic: Ignores enemy characters when moving
This ability is added for the Kintan Strider

Blood Thirsty: This character gets +10 Damage on melee attacks against an enemy that has half its starting Hit Points or fewer.
This ability is added for the Ng’ok

Counter Attack: Whenever this character is hit by an attack, make a save of 11. On a success, this character can make an immediate attack against that attacker.
This ability is added for the Houjix

Death Strike: +10 Damage against an enemy that is adjacent to an allied character.
This ability is added for the Molator

Immobilizing Rend: If both of this character's attacks hit the same enemy, that enemy cannot move this round.
This ability is added for the Mantellian Savrip

Mobile Attack: Can move both before and after attacking.
This ability is added for the K’lor’slug

Painful Screech: Replaces attacks: 10 damage to each character within 3 squares.
This ability is added for the Ghhhk

Smuggler’s Luck: If this character is adjacent to a Dejarik ally at the start of a round, roll twice for initiative.
This ability is added for the Monnok

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