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Design Team
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Author:  Weeks [ Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Design Team

At Gencon this year I was asked by DARPH NADER a few questions I hadn't really thought about. He asked me exactly who was who as far as the Design Team and who helps keep the game running are. He made it clear that not a lot of people know who is even doing stuff, I found this an interesting point. I guess I just don't think about that stuff because I'm involved in helping Design and test pieces and just thought everyone kind of knew. So here you go those of you who would like to know or care to know are the current Design Team. If I leave anyone out please chime in with what you do to help.

Set 5 Designers:
Deri Morgan (fingersandteeth)
Trevor Peyton (thereisnotry)
Brad Phillips (TheCelestialWarrior)
Scott Stykes (Sithborg)

Lead Playtester set 5:
Mike Giles Wacoblaze

Set 6 Designers:
Daniel Stephens (Echo)
Les Eller (Leshippy)
Lou Vasillian (Lou)
David Weeks (Weeks)

Lead Playtester set 6:

So there you go. Those are the people in charge of getting you sweet, awesome new minis to play with. I mentioned on SHNN tonight about how much we go to the "what you want to see" threads and how we use both that and the Bloomilk custom boards for ideas on characters. We do what we can to constantly make new interesting pieces everyone can enjoy. So know your requests and ideas do not fall on deaf ears.

Also we are always looking for help in playtesting, if you have the time and are interested be sure and let Wacoblaze know. It's our game now so get involved any way you can!

Author:  Echo [ Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Design Team

Another important part of the team that we just started for set 5 is the Playtesting Committee. I've discussed this a little before, but the purpose of it is to have a group of high level players who are dedicated to playtesting and have the ability and desire to playtest hard and consistently. Of course, we've still sent stats out to anyone who wants to volunteer, and that is still very useful, but the PT Committee can now look at the playtesting reports sent to us by those playgroups from all over the world and analyze the report and maybe do more of the similar kinds of testing. It's a handpicked group of people who have shown that they are both incredibly dedicated and incredibly skilled at the game so they can give very high quality playtest reports. They are all people who have been playtesters in the past and did exceptional work in that role.

The Playtesting Committee for set 5 consists of:

Daniel Stephens (Echo)
Tim Ballard (TimmerB123)
Les Eller (LESHIPPY)
David Weeks (Weeks)
Bronson McNellis (ultrastar)
Jason Kiernan (urbanjedi)
Graham Bingham (greentime)

The PT Committee for set 6 has not been decided on yet.

Author:  DarphNader [ Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Design Team

As I stated over on Bloo earlier today, I believe transparency is the key to keeping the game we enjoy so much alive and well. So I really appreciate Weeks and Echo taking the time to frame things out!

From my own experience this year I've learned more and more about the community but never had a clear understanding of who was driving the locomotive from a number of perspectives. As both David and Daniel have articulated we have the Design and Playtesting team/committees but I still wonder is there a similar Rules team? I have observed that on more then one occasion as illustrated in various threads; it would appear that in this particular area there has been some level of disconnect. With each facet of the game I believe we should continue to seek out opportunities for continuous improvement and foster new innovative ideas proffered by our collective.

Again being relatively new to the community; I want to express my appreciation to the respective teams who's efforts have kept the game alive.

Author:  Echo [ Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Design Team

The rules responsibilities are handled by just one person: Sithborg. When WotC ran the game, NickName was in charge of official rulings and such. Sithborg has taken over that mantle for the V-sets. So any rulings made by Sithborg now are considered official.

Author:  DarphNader [ Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Design Team

Daniel, perhaps I was a bit too narrow with regards to my use of "rules." Example, what would we consider a change to the restricted map be? That was more the focus of my wonderment but shouldn't Scott's activities and the likes of this example be along the same line?

Author:  LESHIPPY [ Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Design Team

DarphNader wrote:
Daniel, perhaps I was a bit too narrow with regards to my use of "rules." Example, what would we consider a change to the restricted map be? That was more the focus of my wonderment but shouldn't Scott's activities and the likes of this example be along the same line?

This Falls to Brad Phillips aka The_Celestial_Warrior area.

Please take the next statement as constructive criticism. I am not trying to belittle anyone's efforts.

In my opinion, this the area I feel we need to work on the most. I feel that the same maps that are legal for Regional should be the same maps that are legal at Gencon. I also think we need more people to help Brad out. However, don't eveyone start beating down his door. like playtesting it is not an easy job. Playing a map once and saying I don't like it because I lost on it to Gerry, who I assume would beat me, doesn't really cut it.

You have to play multiple game using multiple squads. Granted there are some maps that are really easy to say, nope this one is not on the restricted list. As an experience player, you start to see what the guys are looking for. Maybe this is because I dabbled in map design once or twice. Anywho, people who want to help with this, assuming Brad needs help, need to be willing to take the time to pass on detail reports to him. What squads, what sides, round by round this is how it went sort of thing.

Again just my thoughts. i am not sure who is exactly helping Brad. He also works on teh floor rules. I need to get off here. the Nyquil is starting to kick in.

Author:  DarphNader [ Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Design Team

Agreed Les, my intent was to understand who is doing what and to offer my input and assistance.

Author:  Sithborg [ Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Design Team

DarphNader wrote:
Daniel, perhaps I was a bit too narrow with regards to my use of "rules." Example, what would we consider a change to the restricted map be? That was more the focus of my wonderment but shouldn't Scott's activities and the likes of this example be along the same line?

See, while both Brad and I handle rules, they have wide differences. He just has to worry about a balanced enviroment. And yes, he has pissed some people off. But you have to remember, the Floor Rules and the Restricted List are all optional.

Whereas my job seems to be all about pissing all people off, whether it is top tier players, newbies, or designers.

Also, I forget how long the Floor Rules are, but I would bet the FAQ and Glossary against those.

Author:  LESHIPPY [ Sun Sep 16, 2012 7:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Design Team

I don't know if you piss off designers, you just make us think harder and for longer periods of time.

Author:  Grand Moff Boris [ Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Design Team

As a designer, I can say I have never been pissed off by any ruling you've made, Scott. Mostly I just feel stupid for not understanding the rules interaction minutia better when I created a concept, or watched something slipped through that someone else made thinking I knew how it would work when I really didn't. I think all of the designers have had that issue at one point or another over the last couple of years. :)

Author:  RaginRancor [ Wed Sep 19, 2012 5:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Design Team

Sithborg wrote:

Whereas my job seems to be all about pissing all people off, whether it is top tier players, newbies, or designers.

You do agreat job Scott!

consider this friends-would you rather be pissed off, or pissed on

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