New entry (one that follows the rules this time


Bendak StarkillerFaction: Fringe
Special AbilitiesUniqueTwin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, it makes 1 extra attack against the same target)
Advantaegous Attack (+10 Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round)
Grenades 30 (Replaces attacks: range 6; 30 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target; save 11)
Resilient (This character is immune to critical hits [from Durge, Jedi Hunter])
Stable Footing (Not slowed by low objects or difficult terrain)
Gorse Bendak, better known as Bendak Starkiller, was a former Mandalorian field marshal who, after the defeat of the Mandalorians, became a feared duelist on Taris. In this mini representation, Bendak is shown as a medium-high cost Fringe shooter. Solid base stats, combined with Twin Attack and Advantaegous Attack automatically makes Bendak a powerful shooting unit. Grenades 30 can easily take out clumps of low cost units, and Resilient prevents critical hits from doing extra damage to him. Stable Footing the just icing on the cake, preventing low objects and difficult terrain from slowing his deadly assault. Although he may put out a large amount of damage, Bendak has a relatively low amount of Hit Points, so keeping him out of harm's way until he is ready to start pounding the enemy is definitely a good idea.
Bendak was made from a Mandalorian Scout, Mandalorian Marauder, a Mustafarian Soldier (for part of the gun), and an Imperial Knight (Male). I had to sculpt a new head for him (their heads are so tiny

) His shoulder and lower leg armor was also made from greenstuff. The rock came from a Separatist Commando. All paint was hand mixed (excluding the black and silver).