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DCL - Galak’s Laboratory (Print & Play)
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Author:  Galak Fyyar [ Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:32 am ]
Post subject:  DCL - Galak’s Laboratory (Print & Play)

With the Disturbance in the Force I hear this:

jedispyder wrote:
… we're currently trying to create our own new design (for stat cards).

I want to mention, that all other communities try to save games exactly as is… And to preserve the Game I promise to create “revised” versions of all new cards, regardless by what community is done them. And as a first act I want show to you an example of my new technology for stat card’s creation – one of my favorite in SW Miniatures – Cade Skywalker, BH in v2.0 design – enjoy the new level of quality for “custom” cards ;)

Author:  Galak Fyyar [ Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DCL - Galak’s Laboratory (Print & Play)

So terrible to know that the printable “pdf” files can’t be posted because it “weight” more than 256 Kb – because of that – I post the works in “useless” for me now “jpg” format – sorry... But maybe someone knows how to resolve this problem?

Author:  Galak Fyyar [ Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DCL - Galak’s Laboratory (Print & Play)

I don’t know how you liked this method, but maybe this variant: ;)


Compare for quality – my work vs. WotC :D

Author:  Galak Fyyar [ Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DCL - Galak’s Laboratory (Print & Play)

As long as we awaiting “Masters of the Force” and newest (and final from WotC) SP and FP for starting our “virtualization”, I think it is time for some “errata” works – reprinting for cards with newest versions for keyword definitions, and removing “glitches” created by Wizards.

Also I really wondering, why Wizards create errata on Grand Admiral Thrawn’s Commander Effect, than apply more clear variant of it on K-3PO in the “Force Unleashed” set, but return to unclear definitions on Tharwn from “Imperial Entanglements” and Darth Sidious, Sith Master in “Jedi Academy” – WHY??? Also as “Ion Gun” – with KOTOR release we know that this SA affect not only Droids, but also all nonliving characters, and in the set we have on stat cards “Ion Gun +20 (+20 Damage against nonliving enemies)”. But again, in the “Imperial Entanglements” WotC return to “Ion Gun +20 (+20 Damage against Droid enemies)” another WHY???...

Here we go – two errata and one really useful small boy, which card in so many collections is far from “mint” condition: ;D

P.S. Does anybody need these cards in PDF format? Or maybe someone loose any stat card – I can create its printable version, even in PDF. ;)

Author:  Ruhk [ Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DCL - Galak’s Laboratory (Print & Play)

excellent modifications!

Author:  Galak Fyyar [ Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DCL - Galak’s Laboratory (Print & Play)

Ok – the last set is fully revealed, played and future of the game is in our hand – I don’t know how new design for stat cards is will accepted by players and what we receive in virtual sets, but as “rough draft” I want present DCL’s work – potential future of the game as custom (dream) stat cards:


and some new to the game, but really needed character:


Author:  Wedge772 [ Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DCL - Galak’s Laboratory (Print & Play)

Very nice work! Some comments:

- for Ben Kenobi, shouldn't you be using the DCI version text for Soresu Style Mastery?

- Princess Leia Organa: not sure that was really needed, the original version was still a good piece without the addition of Diplomat/Force Sense/Mobile. It's more to do that Princess Leia (A&E) is so good that this piece doesn't see much table-time anymore

- Lord Darth Vader might be a bit too powerful. It has the range of Lord Vader with the attack rating and defense abilities of Vader Jedi Hunter. Either needs a higher cost or to remove/change some abilities

- Tarkin: typo in lore text "Palpatine" :)

Overall, very nice work! Nice revisions of Rebel Storm figures, without going overboard or crazy on the new abilities!

Author:  komix [ Mon May 03, 2010 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DCL - Galak’s Laboratory (Print & Play)

Lovely except 1 thing- erease Booming Voice from Mon Mothma!
Well BV is something which is unique to Imps and Rep. Now Rebels will be EVEN more powerfull. I'm just looking for some balance here- so either we let Rebels and New Republic have BV (and later on each fraction will have it) or we try to differentiate each fraction- example: Imps should have good damage output but for high cost etc... You see my point?
Do that or... Create Imps version of Reeikan with the same CE!!:p(and low cost of course:pp)

Either way good job man!!

Author:  Galak Fyyar [ Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DCL - Galak’s Laboratory (Print & Play)

Little update in my laboratory ;) – some sort of my new custom abilities and preview on my new dream set, based on Knight Errant timeline.


Author:  Poodlekiller [ Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DCL - Galak’s Laboratory (Print & Play)

I like all of them. I have to say Luke and Lando are standouts as they make them so much more interesting to play
from a timeline point of view. Do you have plans for a Chewbacca and Han update to fit in with Luke, Lando & Leia?

Author:  komix [ Fri Jun 17, 2011 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DCL - Galak’s Laboratory (Print & Play)

Nice job!

Can we see all your previous work, or it only what you've shown in post above?

Author:  thereisnotry [ Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DCL - Galak’s Laboratory (Print & Play)

I like the Dodge special ability on Holt.

Concentration is interesting too. DDM had an SA called Dual Activation: this character activates twice per round. And Concentration is basically a modified version of it. I like it a lot, and I've been wanting to see something like that come into SWM for a while.

There are balance issues though, and we'd have to be VERY careful on which pieces receive it, because it could quickly break some pieces...can you imagine Mara Jade assaulting twice in a row? Or Captain Rex shooting 8x? :ugeek:

Author:  DarkLordVerjal [ Fri Jun 17, 2011 6:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DCL - Galak’s Laboratory (Print & Play)

I love your cards, flawless. And while I like the idea of your stats, I think most of them are too overpowered. But aside from that complaint, I like a lot of your original abilities. ;)

Author:  Galak Fyyar [ Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DCL - Galak’s Laboratory (Print & Play)

Another new custom ability on new dream card – my point of view on Old Republic's “Force battery”. ;)


Author:  Darth_Sal [ Sat Jul 16, 2011 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DCL - Galak’s Laboratory (Print & Play)

You make very nice cards! I will have to agree with previous posters though, Mothma should not have Booming Voice for balance reasons....and because her voice was more calm and deliberate than big and booming.

Author:  coffeebean [ Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DCL - Galak’s Laboratory (Print & Play)

i like these cards, but i too agree, dont like the booming voice on mom mothma. how about give her an ability that grants relay commands to allied commanders? then its kinda like have booming voice as long as you have your commander spread out.

Command Co-ordination (Allied commanders gain Relay commands)

Author:  obikenobi1 [ Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DCL - Galak’s Laboratory (Print & Play)

I like most of the ideas you have put on the cards. The card design is really good! I have an issue with the cloud City Trooper however.... IMO it is broken is certain squads. Try putting this guy in a Mon Mothma and Kit Fitso squad and you will understand my concern. Double death shot with twin attack, and if you add in Yularen and Gree, they have +14 attack and can do a total of 100 damage when they die. Yeah....that is way to good imho. A cheap fringe trooper with an inbuilt twin attack should be avoided. If it had a single attack, i'd be fine with it as you would need to spend 13 points to get a czerka to do the same thing, which usually makes the Czerka a huge target. These things would be more abusive than a Senate commando's death shot with Argyus, and the big difference is you can have about 3 of these guys to every Senate Commando.

I really like the Mastar Vandar you made. I like the Jedi Medititation ability. Its a great way of being balanced and not abusive.

Author:  Weeks [ Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DCL - Galak’s Laboratory (Print & Play)

obikenobi1 wrote:
I like most of the ideas you have put on the cards. The card design is really good! I have an issue with the cloud City Trooper however.... IMO it is broken is certain squads. Try putting this guy in a Mon Mothma and Kit Fitso squad and you will understand my concern. Double death shot with twin attack, and if you add in Yularen and Gree, they have +14 attack and can do a total of 100 damage when they die. Yeah....that is way to good imho. A cheap fringe trooper with an inbuilt twin attack should be avoided. If it had a single attack, i'd be fine with it as you would need to spend 13 points to get a czerka to do the same thing, which usually makes the Czerka a huge target. These things would be more abusive than a Senate commando's death shot with Argyus, and the big difference is you can have about 3 of these guys to every Senate Commando.

I really like the Mastar Vandar you made. I like the Jedi Medititation ability. Its a great way of being balanced and not abusive.

Spaarti clones do the double deathshots for only 5 points.

Author:  obikenobi1 [ Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DCL - Galak’s Laboratory (Print & Play)

Weeks wrote:

Spaarti clones do the double deathshots for only 5 points.

Yes, but not near as much damage as these Cloud city Troopers can. If the cloud city Trooper had only a single attack, they would be fine. But built in twin attack is totally different. Also, in order to get the Spaarti's into a somewhat decent attack you need to add a lot of tech peices, like have a clone commander around them to get the benefit of Rookie. In order to give them twin, you need a czerka, which has a huge target on its base. cloud city troopers also have Advantageous cover, giving them 20 defense in cover, which is pretty decent. If you had GOWK they would be hard to hit. I just think that for 7 points they are way to good when you look at the big picture of competitive gaming. For 7 pts, I don't want to see 100 dmg being sent back at someone like Revan or other melee beats. It would be bad for the game. You can deal with Czerka's, but you can't deal with built in Twin Attack, plain and simple. With Mas Ameda these guys could be all over the board and only Disruptive and Advanced Battle Medititation could deal with it and i guess technically superstealth, although Rodian diplomats take care of that problem quite well.

Author:  Galak Fyyar [ Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DCL - Galak’s Laboratory (Print & Play)

I see your point of view, but if you looks closer on Mon Mothma, Yularen, Commander Gree and Mas – they are SO low defense characters (from 11 to maximum 14) and their “band” cost 104 points (with Fisto) to support lets say 10 Cloud City Troopers… Rex and Dash can easily kill all their support in one or two turns and you can’t do anything special with those remaining 10 CCT. We NEED new cheap units and CCT is my point of view on them. And if you like to construct those deadly possible combos, I want show you something REALLY “broken”. What you say about Droid with Triple Twin Attack, Attack +12 and 20 Damage for only 3 points (120 potential Damage for 3!!!)? Impossible? Not – reality. Gather them in your squad:


and your Battle Droids can have UNLIMITED POWER ( :emperor: ©) in the game :D

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