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EPIC (500) post LOTF
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Author:  LoboStele [ Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:32 am ]
Post subject:  EPIC (500) post LOTF

Well, we're doing EPIC again at ACME this coming week, so I've been having some fun with potential builds. I'm missing a few pieces from LOTF still, so I don't know what squad I'll end up playing on Thursday, as I might be able to trade or borrow a fig or two at the beginning of the evening. Anyways, here's some fun stuff I've come up with

To recap, EPIC format is 500 points, 3 Commander Effects, and only 16 characters (can be broken by Reserves/Reinforcements)

The Mando Ori'ramikade!

Mandalore the Indomitable
Boba Fett, Mercenary Commander
Canderous Ordo
Jango Fett, Bounty Hunter
Basilisk War Droid x2
Mandalorian Commander
Mandalorian Supercommando x3
Mandalorian Blademaster
Mandalorian Gunslinger x2
Mandalorian Warrior
Ugnaught Demolitionist x2

Craziness, I tell you. Over 1100 hitpoints of Mandos, with half doing at least 30 damage per hit. Can you imagine Boba moving 6 squares with Greater Mobile, and attacking an adjacent enemy with Cunning AND Momentum? The Basilisks are the weak links, and probably could be swapped for more Supercommandos. But for 1) I don't think I have more than 3 or 4 Supercommandos, and 2) the Basilisk are there to annoy the opponent long enough to let the other pieces rain havoc down. :D

The New Jedi Order

Luke JM
Kyle Katarn, JBM
Han Solo, GH
Shado Vao
Mara Jade, Jedi
Garm Bel Iblis
Leia Organa Solo, JK
Wolf Sazen
Jacen Solo
Jaina Solo
Talon Karrde
GA Scout
Ugnaught Demolitionist x4

Garm's reinforcements obviously tailor to whatever you need. Likely fodder for killing the opponent's fodder though, lol. Garm is really there more for his CE this time around. 5 of the Jedi (Kyle, Leia, Wolf, Jacen, Jaina) can really make good use of Garm's CE. Han's NTMTO with Talon's Recon gives you awesome init control. And how could you run this squad without actually using Luke JM. He gives out a total of 7 extra FPs across the squad!

Can You Run The Gauntlet?

Emperor Roan Fel
Blizzard Scout 1
Vader Unleashed
Emperor Palpatine
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Deliah Blue
Antares Draco
Imperial Knight x5
Storm Commando x2
Mas Amedda

This squad has it all. Heavy shooters (AT-ST, Storm Commandos, Deliah), Damage negation (LS Block, DR10, Dark Armor, Bodyguard), and scary stuff like Lightsaber Throw 5, Cortosis Guantlets, and the Thrawn-swap to boot! Almost too much going on at one time for my liking, but it's versatility could be really powerful. Certainly has TONS of potential damage output per round. Oh, and of note, the Imperial Knights are BEASTLY with Thrawn. 21 Defense and +12 attack, with possibly Synergy on top of that, to make it +16! Easily as good as a JWM in that scenario.

Author:  Solodan [ Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EPIC (500) post LOTF

At 500, I'd consider some sith in your mando Squad. Ulic and Krayt(or Revan) instead of the war droids and mandalore and Commander (since you're limited in CE's). You'd have 61 points still left, which is suspiciously similar to Cade's cost. Hehehe, quad attacking accurate Canderous Ordo! Tripling Jango! Boba Fett not a follower!

Author:  LoboStele [ Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: EPIC (500) post LOTF

I do have a Sith/Mando build that does just that. Forgot to post it. Though, admittedly, it's more Sith heavy. I might rework it some...Hmm...

Anyways...here's the original.

Darth Revan
Darth Bane
Darth Krayt
Ulic Qel-Droma
Darth Talon
Canderous Ordo
Ugo Demo x3

Bane, Talon, Lumiya, and Canderous all can get Krayt's extra attacks. THAT is brutal. Though, when I built that squad I didn't have Caedus yet, so I would probably sub him in there somehow. But I just love the options with Revan Krayt and Canderuos. Move Canderous 6 with Revan's CE to get into place...unload with Quadruple Attack. :D


OK, here's what I'm thinking in terms of revamped Sith and Mandos. The problem is you HAVE to use Ulic to run both Sith and Mandos. And then Boba takes up one of the other spaces for Commanders, leaving only 1 slot left. So, either have to go with Krayt for the Extra Attack, or Revan for Master Tactician and pseudo-Intuition. Tough call, but I think I'd have the most fun with this:

Darth Bane
Darth Krayt
Ulic Qel-Droma
Darth Caedus
Boba Merc Commander
Darth Talon
Canderous Ordo
Mando Supercommando x2
Caamasi Noble
Ugo Demo x3

Gets me to 13 activations. Could drop the Mando SCs, Caamasi and one Ugo to get Lumiya instead, but this squad already has enough big beat sticks, IMO, and could probably use more shooter support.

Author:  homer_sapien [ Wed Apr 09, 2008 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EPIC (500) post LOTF

My first thought was Sith. Be nice to actually play more than 1-2 in a squad, assuming there's enough interesting ones without CE's.

Author:  LoboStele [ Wed Apr 09, 2008 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EPIC (500) post LOTF

Well, for Sith with CEs we have Krayt, Revan, Kun, Malak, Ulic. So, of those 5, Malak is definitely out. Then, Kun is really only necessary if you really want to run Savages or a Kun Swap squad, which is tough to do in Epic anyways. So, Revan, Krayt, and Ulic are all pretty good melee pieces by themselves anyways, and Ulic lets you bring in beefy bodyguards, which makes it much more fun. So, that's why I've been leaning toward Sith/Mando squads as well.

Author:  Luke_Skywalker [ Mon Apr 28, 2008 2:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EPIC (500) post LOTF

For the New republic, I feel like I would be doing you a disservice if I didn't mention that you left out Corran Horn. I think he is better than Wolf Pound for pound, Certainly when you can move 3 and still attack twice being a square away from your enemy so that they still have to come to you. 2 Energy absorbtions can really help him hang in the fight longer as well. Also for epic I had this Idea that you would add Lobot and Dodonna to this for something and then use the Activations all for scrubs 7 activations from Garm, and then 6 from lobot means 13 rounds of activations 14 with Dodonna, with a limit of 16 figures before reinforcements this would help you to out tempo your opponents.

Author:  Dis1 [ Fri May 02, 2008 5:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EPIC (500) post LOTF

Im not so sure about the usefulness of almost completely out -tempo'ing your opponent in EPIC. Might just be me, but it sees that this format is dominated with high dmg and hp characters, basically a 'do as much dmg as you can' kind of format. With soemthing like that, yea, out tempo'ing might be handy, but I doubt its going to affect your opponents desire to break into the room your guys are in, and start wreaking havoc on your figs.

I could be wrong...

Author:  The Madman [ Fri May 02, 2008 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EPIC (500) post LOTF

Dis1 wrote:
Im not so sure about the usefulness of almost completely out -tempo'ing your opponent in EPIC. Might just be me, but it sees that this format is dominated with high dmg and hp characters, basically a 'do as much dmg as you can' kind of format. With soemthing like that, yea, out tempo'ing might be handy, but I doubt its going to affect your opponents desire to break into the room your guys are in, and start wreaking havoc on your figs.

I could be wrong...

You're spot on-
using a "Tempo" control character only lessens you chance to score points
and with a rigid time constraint... not scoring is equal to loosing

I can see it being a Temporary benifit for the Rebelion, using the Han STA- but then you are limiting your overall ability to synergize Commander Effects

Author:  LandShark [ Fri Sep 18, 2009 4:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EPIC (500) post LOTF

Krayt and Ulic with tons of GMA Mandos.... Holosid for fps.

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