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SWM French Championship 2011 - Annoucement
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Author:  Soltar [ Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  SWM French Championship 2011 - Annoucement

The next French Championship 2011 is planned the 29th and 30th Octover in Versailles !

You'are welcome (there are already 3 German players)...

More information on the following forum : http://swmcdf.bbactif.com/t23-cdf2011-inscriptions
Or by mail : christophe_adx@yahoo.fr

The format is under discussionn but the idea is 200 points with banned Figurines.

List of Banned Figs :
    Mas Amedda n°30 – Champion force
    Yoda on Kybuck n°45 – Champion Force
    General Wedge Antilles n°35 – Kotor
    Admiral Ozzel n°29 – Force Unleashed
    General Dodonna n°14 – Legacy force
    General Rieekan n°04 – Imperial Ent
    San Hill n°37 – Revenge Sith
    IG Lancer Droid n°08 – Clone Wars Battle Pack
    Virtual sets Non autorisés
    Mouse droid 5 figurines Max (team, reinforcement, reserve)

See you soon !

Author:  Engineer [ Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SWM French Championship 2011 - Annoucement

Soltar wrote:
The next French Championship 2011 is planned the 29th and 30th Octover in Versailles !

You'are welcome (there are already 3 German players)...

More information on the following forum : http://swmcdf.bbactif.com/t23-cdf2011-inscriptions
Or by mail : christophe_adx@yahoo.fr

The format is under discussionn but the idea is 200 points with banned Figurines.

List of Banned Figs :
    Mas Amedda n°30 – Champion force
    Yoda on Kybuck n°45 – Champion Force
    General Wedge Antilles n°35 – Kotor
    Admiral Ozzel n°29 – Force Unleashed
    General Dodonna n°14 – Legacy force
    General Rieekan n°04 – Imperial Ent
    San Hill n°37 – Revenge Sith
    IG Lancer Droid n°08 – Clone Wars Battle Pack
    Virtual sets Non autorisés
    Mouse droid 5 figurines Max (team, reinforcement, reserve)

See you soon !

Really, banning figures?
Since both the Lancer and Yobuck are out, then swarms have a chance.
Removing Mas, really hurts the Republic (all those good jedi CE's).
Ozzel, dodonna and San means you are moving two at a time
Rieekan, well the Rebels still have Crix
5 mouse droid max (okay, I get it).
No V sets (so this means, Vong, Mando and OR are out).

I think my IG-86 swarm would work (since the counters were removed - Lancer/Yobuck and tempo control)

--Lot's of IG-86's--
27 Lobot
20 General Whorm Loathsom
16 Geonosian Overseer
96 IG-86 Assassin Droid x6
12 Gha Nachkt
8 Battle Droid Officer
7 R7 Astromech Droid
6 Battle Droid x2
8 Mouse Droid x4
(200pts. 18 activations)

Author:  jedispyder [ Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SWM French Championship 2011 - Annoucement

Interesting ban list. I see you removed all main activation control but not all (so someone can still use Tarkin, Moff Morlish Veed, and Mar Tuuk which are more riskier activation control).

I like the max of 5 Mouse Droids (I personally hate when people bring in Mice just as activation fodder with no help for the squad; I understand using a couple just to round out a squad, but not when it's 10+). Yet I think that could be fixed by banning Gha Nacht instead of limiting the number of Mice. Or just make it so he can only use Rapport on pieces that cost 4+ points, which has been discussed several times after WotC killed the game.

Also, just to note, Yoda on Kybuck is from Clone Wars and not Champions (that's Yoda of Dagobah).

I am curious, why is the V-Set not allowed? Does your play group not like it, or just want to go with WotC only pieces for an official tournament? I know some other groups don't use the V-Set for either of those reasons and a few use it because they think it's "broken".

Hopefully you get a good turnout! I look forward to hearing the results ^_^

Author:  thereisnotry [ Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SWM French Championship 2011 - Annoucement

Yep, I think that squad could easily win the whole thing.

IMHO, the only figs that really need banning at all are the tempo control pieces. Once you remove the activation-killers, the high-activation squads (even without tempo control) will dominate the game; but with Yobuck and Lancer in the meta, the high-activation squads will have some serious trouble.

Author:  Fool [ Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SWM French Championship 2011 - Annoucement

They forgot to ban GMLS

They must have been players of one of my own vassos leagues :P

Author:  billiv15 [ Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SWM French Championship 2011 - Annoucement

It will be won by a high activation one beastly hitter squad. Probably an Arica, Cad Bane, max activation squad. Little else has a chance with that ban list. I highly suggest rethinking what you've all banned.

Author:  sashlon [ Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SWM French Championship 2011 - Annoucement

Banning figures is not an answer. All of those figures have counters to them, they don't need to be banned. That just lowers the standard of play. If I lived over there, I wouldn't be interested in playing in this.

Author:  Soltar [ Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SWM French Championship 2011 - Annoucement

Many thanks to all for your comments !!
You give us a different point of view...very useful since the format is always on discussion.(http://swmcdf.bbactif.com/t24-cdf-2011-format).

Last year the championship was dominated by high activation team : Cad bane/Arica, Rebel, Cade bane and very very high activations (one team had 21 mouses droid !).

This year the goal we try to reach with this format is to limit the supremacy of some faction (empire, rebel) but without the bannishment of too much figs.

The tests have began 5 months ago, with virtual set (very very fun), without virtual set, etc...

About the virtual, some players want to play with it because they change the meta and add some very useful boost to some factions (Old repu, Mando and Vong). It's was so fun to copy the CE of Riekaan to give my YV JH evade !

About your analysis : Even without Mas Amedda, Ozzel and a limitation to 5 mouses droid max, the Cad Bane/Arica team will win ?

What do you suggest ?
You can directly add you comment or suggestion on the forum http://swmcdf.bbactif.com/t24-cdf-2011-format !

Many thanks and see you soon !
Hmmm..how to say... Paris in the end of October, it's raining (offen)...

Author:  Soltar [ Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SWM French Championship 2011 - Annoucement

sashlon wrote:
Banning figures is not an answer. All of those figures have counters to them, they don't need to be banned.

With the virtual set you're right !!

Author:  billiv15 [ Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SWM French Championship 2011 - Annoucement

Here's what I'd run. I'd even debate whether or not I really needed Arden Lyn, but I like her personally.

54 Cad Bane
32 Thrawn (Mitth'raw'nuruodo)
31 Arica
27 Lobot
18 Arden Lyn
11 Grand Moff Tarkin
15 Mouse Droid x5
12 Rodian Brute x4

Preferred Reinforcements:
(Lobot) 5 Caamasi Noble
(Lobot) 15 Rodian Brute x5

(200pts. 21 activations)

Author:  Weeks [ Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SWM French Championship 2011 - Annoucement

So you've weakened Imperials to the point where they arent nearly as good. Taking Republic Jedi out and the factions best piece. Eliminated Lancer squads completely. And made rebel squads go back to the year 2007. On top of all this you ban the V-set pieces?

I don't get it. Whats the draw to this tourney? Why would I want to play in an old meta for a championship? Wouldn't you want to encourage newer squad types? Is this something you came up with or is this a community vote by all of you?

I don't like Kyle Katarn JBM but I don't want him banned from a tourney I'm playing in. If I'm in a tourney I want to have to go against the best players playing the best squads. This tourney doesn't have that in it's current state. It has taken out some of the better figs and disallowed new pieces.

Hmmm ok. I just saw this is the french championship. Seeing as I'm nowhere near france I'd say that last part was kinda pointless lol. I'll leave it up just incase I'm ever out that way :).

Author:  sashlon [ Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SWM French Championship 2011 - Annoucement

I agree with Weeks, I'd pass on this tournament.

I don't see how something like this loses without Mas, Gallop, Strafe or Bastila to counter it:

46 Han Solo, Scoundrel
27 Luke Skywalker, Rebel Commando
27 Lobot
21 Admiral Ackbar
20 Princess Leia
16 General Crix Madine
16 Elite Rebel Commando
10 Caamasi Noble x2
9 Mouse Droid x3
8 Obi Ghost

Prefered Reinforcements

Mouse Droid x2
Ugnaught Demolitionist x2
Gran Raider x2

Author:  Darth_Jim [ Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SWM French Championship 2011 - Annoucement

The skill level over there must not be as high as here. A wholesale subjective banning of that many figures suggests that rather than letting the meta be shaped by the skill and creativity of the participants, they'd rather shape it themselves. I wonder if it was just a way to keep the Germans from winning their championship again.

Author:  Raylinthegreat [ Sun Aug 28, 2011 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SWM French Championship 2011 - Annoucement

I can kinda see the point of the v-sets being as that they are not "official minis". However, I would never play in a tournament where official pieces were banned/limited. The whole point of a tournament is to see who is the best player against all types of squads, not just the same squad over and over again.

Author:  elivys [ Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SWM French Championship 2011 - Annoucement

The whole point of a tournament is to see who is the best player against all types of squads, not just the same squad over and over again.

Exactly, that's why they have decided to ban some figures in order to change the metagame :)

Author:  elivys [ Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SWM French Championship 2011 - Annoucement

Darth_Jim wrote:
The skill level over there must not be as high as here. A wholesale subjective banning of that many figures suggests that rather than letting the meta be shaped by the skill and creativity of the participants, they'd rather shape it themselves. I wonder if it was just a way to keep the Germans from winning their championship again.

Xavier Prein is French :)

Author:  Darth_Jim [ Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SWM French Championship 2011 - Annoucement

elivys wrote:
The whole point of a tournament is to see who is the best player against all types of squads, not just the same squad over and over again.

Exactly, that's why they have decided to ban some figures in order to change the metagame :)

And where is this currently happening? Our GenCon champion used Old Republic.

Banning figures may get you a new championship squad this year, but moving forward will restrict the meta even more. You'll find yourself in the same situation with fewer pieces to choose from. And who decides what needs to be banned, and why?

Author:  elivys [ Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SWM French Championship 2011 - Annoucement

your gencon tournament was with the Vset I guess so I don't see the point ...

I am not here to say that the list of banned figures is the best idea, or is perfect (it is not my idea anyway :p) , I am just here to say that this will change the metagame and force people to think of new ideas ... that's it :)

Author:  Darth_Jim [ Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SWM French Championship 2011 - Annoucement

elivys wrote:
your gencon tournament was with the Vset I guess so I don't see the point ...

I am not here to say that the list of banned figures is the best idea, or is perfect (it is not my idea anyway :p) , I am just here to say that this will change the metagame and force people to think of new ideas ... that's it :)

Well, using the Vsets is the point. The careful design, playtesting and production of them has yielded immediate results of an expanding meta. It has encouraged not only the use of the new Vset figures, but dusty old WoTc figures as well. (Jabba the Hutt reportedly saw action at GenCon, among others.) Personally, if I am going to continue to play this game, I want more figures to choose from, not less.

I guess what I am not understanding is why you all would rather play with fewer figures than use Vsets, either the ones done here or a creation of your own.

Author:  Darth_Jim [ Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SWM French Championship 2011 - Annoucement

elivys wrote:
Darth_Jim wrote:
The skill level over there must not be as high as here. A wholesale subjective banning of that many figures suggests that rather than letting the meta be shaped by the skill and creativity of the participants, they'd rather shape it themselves. I wonder if it was just a way to keep the Germans from winning their championship again.

Xavier Prein is French :)

A German didn't win the championship? Ever? I thought the '09 champion was German, and he played against a German in the finals.

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