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Jaina, Sword of the Sith
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Author:  obikenobi1 [ Tue Feb 15, 2011 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Jaina, Sword of the Sith

I've been playing around with a few ideas of integrating Jaina into a Sith squad:

--Jaina, Sword of the Sith--
61 Ulic Qel-Droma
56 Jaina Solo, Sword of the Jedi
27 Darth Bandon
19 Mandalorian Scout
16 Mandalorian Gunsmith
8 Wicket
9 Mouse Droid x3
3 Ugnaught Demolitionist

(199pts. 10 activations)

This squad is mainly melee, with some help from the Mando Scout, Bandon and Mando Gunsmith for ranged support. Ulic and Jaina can really get up close to the action really quick and deal a lot of damage. Both have Master speed which means they can move 18 squares per turn. Ulic can do 80 per turn and Jaina can Greater Mobile Tripple for 90 dmg per turn. Pretty decent, but I just get the feeling that I'm not making this squad the best if can be. Any suggestions on improving it? Any feedback would be much appreciated! :)

Author:  The_Celestial_Warrior [ Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jaina, Sword of the Sith

How are you getting Jaina in a Sith squad? She has Affinity for a Mandalorian Squad but is not Mandalorian until she is in such a squad. Ulic only pulls Mandalorians into a Sith squad.

Author:  obikenobi1 [ Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jaina, Sword of the Sith

The_Celestial_Warrior wrote:
How are you getting Jaina in a Sith squad? She has Affinity for a Mandalorian Squad but is not Mandalorian until she is in such a squad. Ulic only pulls Mandalorians into a Sith squad.

When I was making the squad on Bloomilk I put Ulic in first and Jaina showed up as a person that can be brought in with Ulic, along with all the other Mando peices. I guess I thought since Bloomilk allowed it, there must be some kind of ruling I don't know about. :?

Author:  Disturbed1 [ Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jaina, Sword of the Sith

Assuming you can actually do this build, I like it, though I definitely think you need to bump your door control, if not your activations. As helpful as Wicket can be, itd probably be more beneficial to drop him for either 3 ugs, or an R7, methinks.

Author:  Demosthenes [ Tue Feb 15, 2011 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jaina, Sword of the Sith

This wouldn't be allowed, as the squad would have to be Mandalorian for Jaina to be brought in, and it's not Mandalorian, it's Sith.

Author:  Sithborg [ Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jaina, Sword of the Sith

obikenobi1 wrote:
The_Celestial_Warrior wrote:
How are you getting Jaina in a Sith squad? She has Affinity for a Mandalorian Squad but is not Mandalorian until she is in such a squad. Ulic only pulls Mandalorians into a Sith squad.

When I was making the squad on Bloomilk I put Ulic in first and Jaina showed up as a person that can be brought in with Ulic, along with all the other Mando peices. I guess I thought since Bloomilk allowed it, there must be some kind of ruling I don't know about. :?

Due to the way that Affinity is programmed into Bloomilk, it will show up. There is no real way to fix this without redoing the coding of how Affinity works, which I wouldn't put Shinja through.

It isn't allowed in the game, because Affinity only changes her faction in a Mandalorian squad, this is a Sith squad, so she would still be NR.

Author:  obikenobi1 [ Tue Feb 15, 2011 6:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jaina, Sword of the Sith

I was under the impression that Ulic Qel Droma CE made the squad count as both Mandalorian and as Sith, kinda like a dual faction game. If this is the case, then Jaina would be allowed into the squad since it would count as a Mandalorian squad and also a Sith squad. I'm not sure what the official ruling is on this, since the only other person who has something similar to this CE is Emperor Palpatine, Sith Lord.

Author:  billiv15 [ Tue Feb 15, 2011 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jaina, Sword of the Sith

obikenobi1 wrote:
I was under the impression that Ulic Qel Droma CE made the squad count as both Mandalorian and as Sith, kinda like a dual faction game. If this is the case, then Jaina would be allowed into the squad since it would count as a Mandalorian squad and also a Sith squad. I'm not sure what the official ruling is on this, since the only other person who has something similar to this CE is Emperor Palpatine, Sith Lord.

Nope, its a Sith squad only. A similar situation happens with Garm Bel Iblis and the Vong Guardians. If Garm is in an NR squad, the VGs can be played. If Garm is in a Rebel squad, he cannot bring in a VG.

Author:  biggsy [ Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jaina, Sword of the Sith

Dammit, that would have been fun though!

Author:  sthlrd2 [ Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jaina, Sword of the Sith

My question is if you were doing a mass battle thing and had uliq with mandalore the ultimate. With mando conscription making it a mando squad then could you put jaina in as well. I don't know the specifics of mando conscription on if it actually changes the faction or if characters are just considered mando for purposes of c.e.

Author:  billiv15 [ Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jaina, Sword of the Sith

sthlrd2 wrote:
My question is if you were doing a mass battle thing and had uliq with mandalore the ultimate. With mando conscription making it a mando squad then could you put jaina in as well. I don't know the specifics of mando conscription on if it actually changes the faction or if characters are just considered mando for purposes of c.e.

Nope, it would still remain a Sith squad and affinity would only apply for those who can be in the Sith squad. All Conscription would do would change the faction of the figures affected by it to Mando, but it would still remain a Sith squad regardless.

Author:  DeusSol [ Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jaina, Sword of the Sith

Either way, you could achieve the same +4 +10 you are striving for by doing:

68 Mandalore the Indomitable
56 Jaina Solo, SotJ

this leaves you (in 200) with 76 points left over; although, I admit, a Sith Jaina sounds cool. :maul:

Author:  danlorenz [ Wed May 28, 2014 12:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jaina, Sword of the Sith

I'm a new here what is that.it's that a movie or a game please show image i interested of that.

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