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Quick confirmation on Force Pushing
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Author:  Xffan_2000 [ Tue Nov 20, 2007 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Quick confirmation on Force Pushing

This was encountered during our multi-player game last night.

There was all sorts of Force Push 2 going on. But then somebody tried Force Push 4 outside of 6 squares. The game ground to a halt as I had to pour over the rules insert.

Apparently, FP4 is *sight,* but all other versions of Force Push (2, 3 and 5) is within 6.

I ruled that FP4 could be used with sight (as per the insert), but I just want to make sure I didn't miss anything from the FAQ (didn't see anything there, either) or other discussions that limits FP4 to 6 like all the others.

The unanswerable question here would be, then, WHY is FP4 unlimited range, while all other versions are limited? :?:

Author:  LoboStele [ Tue Nov 20, 2007 9:39 am ]
Post subject: 

No clue, but FP4 is different from all the others. It does not have a range limitation on it, but it still must follow targetting rules (just like Vader's Grip that says 'sight'). So, sounds like you ruled it right. Take a look at the various versions of FP and you'll notice that the biggest difference is that Push 3 hits the target and all characters adjacent to it, while Push 4 just hits one target.

Author:  SirStevee [ Tue Nov 20, 2007 1:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think it is designed to make each level of push different from a higher/lower costing one, for the sake of diversity. And it is like force grip, only a lot better. :D

Author:  Grand Admiral [ Sat Feb 14, 2009 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Quick confirmation on Force Pushing

Hey guys,
I've been looking on here for info re. force push & I found 4 threads & a definition, but haven't found the answer to a question.
I read/heard somewhere that when someone is pushed they can fall into a pit, then I also heard that they don't fall into the pit, but rather go along side of the pit & thirdly I heard that they make a save 11, if failed they fall into the pit. (uggg, lol which is it?)
The second question is this: in the same context I heard that if the target hits a wall (in one place included the pit) that they take double damage. Is that true (legal tournament rules) or not? so a 20 would do 40 or a 50 would do 100? Anyways, any info would be great.
Thanks From Alaska!

Author:  LoboStele [ Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Quick confirmation on Force Pushing

First things first, anyone claiming that there is extra damage from hitting a wall is just making stuff up. If you can't find it in the rulebook, then it isn't a rule.

As for your other questions, sounds like there may be some confusion between how Force Push works and how Force Repulse USED to work. Repulse USED to be different from Push when they were first introduced. When TFU first came out, Repulse required you to always be in a legal square, and thus would be moved along the edge of a pit, instead of going into the pit.

However, that has since been changed. The Rules Insert for...the Clone Wars Battle Pack (I think), or the new Rule Book in the Clone Wars Starter has updated the way Repulse works, so that it works exactly like Force Push.

So, with Push or Repulse, the character gets moved X squares (each square MUST be farther from the attacker than the previous square). If one of those squares that you try to move the target into is a pit, then the target has to make a save of 11 (it's only a save 6 for characters with Flight). If the save fails, the target is immediately defeated. If the save is made, then the figure stops moving and is placed in the last legal square it occupied, and it DOES NOT move any further.

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