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Gaining New Troops!
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Author:  dvader831 [ Wed Sep 12, 2007 3:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Gaining New Troops!

One cool thing I did at Gencon, and have recently done it at LGS, is a great way for us to build recognition for the site!

Take a common you don't care about, don't need, etc. Offer to give it to a player, hopefully a newb or someone not yet sure about the game.
Before you hand over the card, however, write on it the name of the website, and then your handle on here. I did it I think four times at Gencon and twice on Monday night. I don't know if any of them have signed up yet, but it could never hurt! New players means many new chances of interesting squads and combos! It means more recognition! It means Wizards might realize they have something on their hands that is getting out of control in a good way! Bring them in, guys!

Author:  Menoths Fire [ Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Are we looking for quantity or quality?

WotC already has quantity and see how that's working out?

P.S. I wnat a darth REVEN!!!1!!!!!!one!!!


Author:  dvader831 [ Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:38 am ]
Post subject: 

But mostly only the quality post over there. And most of them can spell . . .

Author:  Sithdragon13 [ Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Menoth's Fire wrote:
P.S. I wnat a darth REVEN!!!1!!!!!!one!!!


*sigh* With all due respect, what part of he is in a coming set is not getting through?

Author:  Menoths Fire [ Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Sithdragon13 wrote:
Menoth's Fire wrote:
P.S. I wnat a darth REVEN!!!1!!!!!!one!!!


*sigh* With all due respect, what part of he is in a coming set is not getting through?

"*sigh*" Get it? Humor. Look it up on Wikipedia :roll:
In the meantime, let me spell it out for you:
The first half of my post suggests that the WotC message boards are filled with inane "noobs" that contribute only rediculous posts. One of the most obnoxious, recognizable, and prevalent of these is the "I-Want-A-Revan" thread. Often these posts (usually contributed by younger posters) are filled with poor grammar, incorrect spelling, and obnoxiously-colored and over-sized text. By putting in my P.S. quote I was mocking "noob" posts in general and "Revan" posts specifically. Google "sarcasm" and "irony" for more info.

Author:  dvader831 [ Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Okay, I understand, now, I thought you were ranting. lol

Author:  Menoths Fire [ Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:11 am ]
Post subject: 

My response was to the post which I quoted above my text. Hence, why it was quoted.

Author:  homer_sapien [ Thu Sep 13, 2007 12:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Menoth's Fire wrote:
Are we looking for quantity or quality?

WotC already has quantity and see how that's working out?

P.S. I wnat a darth REVEN!!!1!!!!!!one!!!


A while back on Wizards site i started adding anyone who does that to my ignore list.

Author:  Menoths Fire [ Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

dnemiller wrote:
Well if I am allowed to throw in my 2 cents on the subject.... We welcome everyone and want to grow... I would like this site to be the choice among SWM players.... I dont want this to be some elitest society that others dont feel welcome... The biggest thing I dont want to see here is the complaint threads.... I dont mind a discussion about making changes but I reallt dont want the I cant beat it so it must be broken threads going up like crazy here

Dean, it's not about "elitism;" if some level of quality isn't maintained here, then this will become the same site that we all jumped ship from. We shouldn't, as a community, accept things like "revan-threads" or "omg this is so borken-threads" or any of that sort of thoughtless nonsense. And that's precisely what it is: "nonsense."
We need to encourage folks to think before they post, to put some small amount of effort into looking something up before they start a thread asking a question that, to all reason probablly was asked already a million times and to actually use a mini before they start calling "borken!" That last one might be your pet peeve, but all of those things contribute to the mindless nonsense that is bogging down the WotC boards and making them virtually useless to the fans. I think excluding people is a great idea, as long as the only folks you're excluding are the ones that can't or won't:
- think
- take a joke*
- put in effort
- let people have their own opinion
- learn
- show respect
- not take everything personally*
(I know that one's a double negative; I'll cut myself later)

*my pet peeves.

p.s. my original post was simply cautionary, that's all.

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