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 Post subject: Re: Greater Mobile attack on a ranged character.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:09 pm 
Death Star Designers
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It comes down to this. Cad bane has won 1 French championship and 1 regional. That is it. He won his regional cause one of the better players played the heck out of him and had a plan for all the counters he needed. Cad won the French championship (that was 150 I believe) after he had been out for less then a month.

Dash hasn't won more then a few regionals the past 2 years. Rex is about the same. You know who has won 2 championships and has greater mobile attack? Luke rebel commando. Last time I looked at him he had melee attack.

Gma shooters don't win games, outplaying you opponent does. Gma guys that are used range from 40hp echani handmaiden to 80hp cad bane. Both are killed with ease. Echo did a good job explaining how melee beats shooting. GMA is a good ability but it's hardly broken.

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 Post subject: Re: Greater Mobile attack on a ranged character.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:37 pm 
Name Calling Internet Bully
Name Calling Internet Bully
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Weeks wrote:
GMA is a good ability but it's hardly broken.

It just tends to be one of those abilities that really demonstrates the difference of skill levels of the players. A decent player can make a GMA shooter be a good figure. They can't make melee work well very often. But with higher skill levels, the advantage of the GMA shooters get overcome by their deficiencies (low hps, and opponent's who know how to properly choose targets, advance on the map, use movement breakers and stack damage). There's other strategies as well that are more advanced than the normal stuff too. For example, "baiting" is the classic move to eliminate a big shooter, doesn't matter if it was Boba Fett RS all the way forward to Cad Bane. But most players do not utilize this tactic very well. Most games between lower skilled players tend to favor shooters more than melee in a disproportionate way when compared to higher level skilled players. GMA on shooters, simply adds emphasis to this experience and makes it seem like it's GMA that's the problem, when it really isn't.

Non-melee vs. melee is a much better conversation in all honesty, but we've had it many times before. GMA marginally helps shooters, but it greatly helps melee figures. But let's be honest, is GMA really any more powerful than things like Princess Leia/Han Scoundrel or Boba Fett BH/Bothan? Not particularly. But for melee figures, it makes a very significant difference. Doesn't matter if those figures are in the top of the game or not, those with it are much much better than they would be without it. Whereas the shooters would only be slightly less useful without it. Cad swapping with Thrawn for 4 shots isn't a new tactic at all. I was doing it with Cade Skywalker before that. Rarely does the GMA part make a huge difference, the swapping already gets you almost everywhere you want to go as is. Maybe once per game at most on average does it make even the slightest difference. But I'll tell you what, the loss of 40hps sure makes a big difference :)



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 Post subject: Re: Greater Mobile attack on a ranged character.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 6:29 pm 
Grand Admiral
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This has already been alluded to a bit, but I think the presence of Gallopers/Strafers makes melee comparatively stronger, and a straight melee/shooter comparison doesn't take this into account. Against a twin-attacking pawned Lancer, Cad Bane or Captain Rex can die in 2 activations, and Echanis can die in one pass. Melee characters have more hit points, higher defence, and are more likely to have a counter to the Lancer - such as the Seers with their attacks of opportunity, or plenty of melee characters with Riposte and/or Djem So.

So even if you could argue that shooters > melee, you'd maybe end up with a triangle like: Strafers beat shooters. Shooters beat melee. Melee beat strafers. That's extremely simplistic though.

The Imperial squad that came second at Gencon last year was almost 100% melee, I think?

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 Post subject: Re: Greater Mobile attack on a ranged character.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:35 pm 
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I did not mind GMA when it was on unique characters (though should still be limited to 1 per faction and fringe)
But when others can gain it though CE's even if it requires more than 1 commander, well then not like it so much.

Forgive the hero, thous who would have died

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 Post subject: Re: Greater Mobile attack on a ranged character.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 7:09 am 
Unnamed Wookiee
Unnamed Wookiee

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GMA changed the game forever (and IMO not for the better) - I liked the original option of double attack, or move 6 and attack once. Popping out from cover, attacking 4 times and hiding again isn't the same game SWM started out as. I don't enjoy GMA unless on a melee piece. Cad Bane, Captain Rex, Dash Rendar all with GMA and 4 attacks and usually combined with evade or something similar make the game tedious. Although I think the change to "attack, hit, opponent saves/evades - no you didn't hit now", makes the game tedious also. Strategy had to change, and the length of each round increased, as each attack was met with an option to avoid the damage. It's just the way powercreep changed SWM over subsequent sets.

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 Post subject: Re: Greater Mobile attack on a ranged character.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:13 am 
Unnamed Stormtrooper
Unnamed Stormtrooper

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SenateCommando wrote:
Hey folks. I am starting to think that swm broke the second greater mobile attack appeared on a ranged character.

It really sorta seems like cheating anyways. With extra attack you need to make a choice. mobility or firepower. I liked this. It seemed balanced. required a certain strategic choice that may be wrong depending on the situation.

But nowadays if a shooter can't pop out and make 4 attacks and jump back behind cover, it's pretty much useless and don't get me started on the ranged vs melee balance issues. I find it somwhat limiting as it forces folks to choose from some very limited options. My swm group attempts to solve this with a house rule that all lightsaber wielding force users have Deflect by default. It does help but not enough vs some of these greater mobile squads out there. So how can one fix this? It seems the primary culprit is not shooters in general but specifically the greater mobile ones. So I would ideally want to make something that specifically goes against greater mobile attackers while leaving alone regular shooters.

One possibility I thought up is possibly giving a watered down evade effect to all characters with melee. Perhaps the same thing as evade but does not work vs a character within 6 squares?

Another thought was adding an additional effect to melee attack. Perhaps whenever this character is hit by a non-melee attack, they gain a Stacking +3 defense until the end of the current turn. That way regular shooters aren't affected so bad by it. A shooter with only a single atack wouldn't be affected at all. However the more times you hit, the harder it becomes to land another one.

Imagine this hypothetical scenario:
Cad Bane and a Stormtrooper VS Anakin Champion of Nelvaan who is out in the open.

Cad Bane activates and hits Anakin who has 19 defense. Anakin's defense becomes 22. Cad Bane's second attack also hits. Anakin's defense becomes 25. Cad Bane's third attack hits aswell. Anakin's defense becomes 28. Cad Bane misses his 4th attack runs 6 squares away and ends his turn. Anakin's Defense reverts back to 19. Stormtrooper activates and takes his shot, and beat's 19 and hits then ends his turn.

I am open to suggestions on this. Maybe this should be a house rule? Perhaps I should try and find a fitting fringe character to have this as a commander effect to suggest for the next virtual set? Anyone? Suggestions or comments?

I have been saying this for years. your post is exactly like mine all most word for word.
in the bloomilk forum I suggested a rule change to make all characters with the deflect ability take no damage with a save of 11,but reflect the shot back if your save is 18 or higher. kind of like quartosis gauntlet,but some one actually made sense saying that[its to hard explaining core rule changes to new players]. you could however use this as a house rule.

he did have another alternative that I think might be even better. he said, maybe in the vsets there can be a fringe figure that grants reflect to characters who have the deflect ability printed on there card. maybe on a new jolie bindo, but in my oppinion to make the game balanced. it has to be on a cheap fringe figure. if its on a 35+ costed figure or on a specific faction then it wont bring balance. it should be as easy as it is now to beafing up mobile shooters. it could be on a 23 point figure and the card could say this[alies with the lightsabor deflect ability that are within six of this character gain lightsabor reflect. i also think it should dish back the exact damage that was dealt. not the 10 damage reflect. that wont do anything.

if these greater mobile shooters think they could possibly also take some damage themself? there easy jump out and fire 4 shots at a beefed up 30 or 40 damage a shot, then jump back into hiding. seem a little less routine. it makes them think before shooting. they'll need to use more strategy.

meanwhile alowing the melee figure to get closer faster and will make the whole game move faster. keep in mind that most of these deflect characters can only reflect once. so the shooter will still have a slight advantage, but now it will come at a cost. plus both parties need a save roll. the reflector needs an 11 and the attacker needs to fail an 11 to get hit.

it needs to be on a fringe jedi and on a 20 something costed figure.
you could have a house rule using the first core rule suggestion I made.

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 Post subject: Re: Greater Mobile attack on a ranged character.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:34 am 
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In case you dont know, there are two different versions of Reflect. One reflects 10 dmg, the other reflects the amount of the damage from the original shot.

And unless this 23pt fringe piece you are suggesting does something other than give Reflect to people with Deflect, your not going to see it played.

WotC: 890/890
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fingersandteeth wrote:
Also t4 for override and a cheeky flame.

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 Post subject: Re: Greater Mobile attack on a ranged character.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:35 am 
Death Star Designers
Death Star Designers
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Or we could just go back to the "fun" of GOWK. Melee is fine. What Melee is not, is easy to run like most seem to want to. Melee will always be inherently harder to use and at a disadvantage compared to range figures. You try to make Melee the "easy" option, then the game breaks. Map choice, placement, and movement breakers will be a key to running Melee. You should not be able to keep a figure out in the open and not take a beating.

GMA's introduction in Legacy was not a shift. No, it was the logical extension of the design shift Rob had started in Bounty Hunters. Mobile and/or Twin was the start. Yes Rob did get lazy, with just handing out the GMA/Double/Twin/Evade combos to powerful figures. But considering how important Melee pieces had become in Clone Wars, I can see where the temptation came from.

Bloomilk Ambassador

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 Post subject: Re: Greater Mobile attack on a ranged character.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:38 am 
Unnamed Stormtrooper
Unnamed Stormtrooper

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Disturbed1 wrote:
In case you dont know, there are two different versions of Reflect. One reflects 10 dmg, the other reflects the amount of the damage from the original shot.

And unless this 23pt fringe piece you are suggesting does something other than give Reflect to people with Deflect, your not going to see it played.

well, if no one will use the fig then, what sithborg said doesnt make sense.
billiv even kind of said in another post that they are working toward making the game more balanced beetween shooters and malee. I think this would be a great start.
wizards tried it with gowk and failed. the problem with gowk was it made the game stale, every one and the mother ran a gowk squad. it got real redundent and broken. wizards tried to balance the game with one figure, witch was a bad idea. im suggesting a figue that makes a bunch of old figs playable + gives jedi's with deflect a standing chance. womt hurt.

most of the time your only going to reflect one shot, so if you leave your guy out in the open, trust me he will still take alot of damage, but now a 20 piont beefed up fig won't be able to take out 45+ piont jedi out in one turn. if this 20 piont fig i'm suggesting would rarely used? then the people who love to run those greater mobile cannons will still be able to run them with cofedence, while the guy running the 23 piont reflect granter will have even a slim chance of dishing out at least some damage atleast.

what drew me to the game was the cool jedi, but once I leared that with a few exeptions, that these high costed jedi were at a disavantage. I was forced to use heavy shooter squads to have a chance to win. my first pull was the old bastila and I was like awsome, until every on said she sucks. I was like why? they said[because, you need good shooters to win]. I was forced to run shooter cannon squads just to keep up. the only melee jedi squads that seemed to do well. were the ones that had some kind of ranged force power or a movement breaker.

I think the best chance of getting new players and kids into the game is to make those jedi's they love, more balanced. every little kid or new player I have ever met in person looked happy when they pulled a high point cost jedi they loved from the movies or expanded univers . until they played a player using a powerful beefed up unknown fringe commin that blows ther favorite jedi to peices. I'm not talking about a experianced vrs new player. I'm talking about to freinds that get into the game at the same skill level.

if you take two players at the exact skill level. 8 times out of 10 the one with the greater mobile shooter will win the battle. so now the kid that loves those jedi is either forced to either use the same kind of squad the other kid is using or quit, becuase he is tired of getting blown away and gets bored.

no disrespect to the long time players or designers. this is just my oppinion. I could be completely wrong. regardless I love this game and will always play no matter what. sorry for the bad grammoud and long winded message. :)

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 Post subject: Re: Greater Mobile attack on a ranged character.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:14 pm 
Death Star Designers
Death Star Designers
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And it is no where near as simple as what you make it out to be. You make a figure that can shrug off many, many shots, with no strategy, you break the game.

No matter what you do, Range will always have advantages over Melee. The shear basics of attacking someone further away vs having to be adjacent. And I'm sorry, but the game should not be based around which Jedi/Sith you run. People do like the various famous shooters we have had. Why should random no name Jedi be considered be more popular than Han Solo.

I seriously have trouble seeing the game be more balanced than what it currently is. Maybe a few tweaks to the map list, but other than that, not much. Having a mixed squad is better than having all Melee or all Range (as it should). The trouble with boosting older figs, is that 99% of the time, it will boost the newer more powerful figs just as much, leaving the same gap.

Bloomilk Ambassador

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 Post subject: Re: Greater Mobile attack on a ranged character.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 5:55 am 
Black Sun Thug
Black Sun Thug
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gay vampire wrote:
I have been saying this for years. your post is exactly like mine all most word for word.
in the bloomilk forum I suggested a rule change to make all characters with the deflect ability take no damage with a save of 11,but reflect the shot back if your save is 18 or higher. kind of like quartosis gauntlet,but some one actually made sense saying that[its to hard explaining core rule changes to new players]. you could however use this as a house rule.

he did have another alternative that I think might be even better. he said, maybe in the vsets there can be a fringe figure that grants reflect to characters who have the deflect ability printed on there card. maybe on a new jolie bindo, but in my oppinion to make the game balanced. it has to be on a cheap fringe figure. if its on a 35+ costed figure or on a specific faction then it wont bring balance. it should be as easy as it is now to beafing up mobile shooters. it could be on a 23 point figure and the card could say this[alies with the lightsabor deflect ability that are within six of this character gain lightsabor reflect. i also think it should dish back the exact damage that was dealt. not the 10 damage reflect. that wont do anything.

if these greater mobile shooters think they could possibly also take some damage themself? there easy jump out and fire 4 shots at a beefed up 30 or 40 damage a shot, then jump back into hiding. seem a little less routine. it makes them think before shooting. they'll need to use more strategy.

meanwhile alowing the melee figure to get closer faster and will make the whole game move faster. keep in mind that most of these deflect characters can only reflect once. so the shooter will still have a slight advantage, but now it will come at a cost. plus both parties need a save roll. the reflector needs an 11 and the attacker needs to fail an 11 to get hit.

it needs to be on a fringe jedi and on a 20 something costed figure.
you could have a house rule using the first core rule suggestion I made.

The problem with this as I see it is that You hose shooters who aren't the powerfull greater mobile/twin/double guys.

Regular shooters like say... a clone trooper would be screwed while somthing like an Echani handmaiden would be like "You can deflect one of my shots? Oh well! I have 4-6 more!

Thats why I suggested my defense boost equal to hits idea. It does nothing to a shooter who only gets one shot or has low attack to begin with. The guys who have trouble with it are the ones who need to have trouble.

gay vampire wrote:
Disturbed1 wrote:
In case you dont know, there are two different versions of Reflect. One reflects 10 dmg, the other reflects the amount of the damage from the original shot.

And unless this 23pt fringe piece you are suggesting does something other than give Reflect to people with Deflect, your not going to see it played.

well, if no one will use the fig then, what sithborg said doesnt make sense.
billiv even kind of said in another post that they are working toward making the game more balanced beetween shooters and malee. I think this would be a great start.
wizards tried it with gowk and failed. the problem with gowk was it made the game stale, every one and the mother ran a gowk squad. it got real redundent and broken. wizards tried to balance the game with one figure, witch was a bad idea. im suggesting a figue that makes a bunch of old figs playable + gives jedi's with deflect a standing chance. womt hurt.

most of the time your only going to reflect one shot, so if you leave your guy out in the open, trust me he will still take alot of damage, but now a 20 piont beefed up fig won't be able to take out 45+ piont jedi out in one turn. if this 20 piont fig i'm suggesting would rarely used? then the people who love to run those greater mobile cannons will still be able to run them with cofedence, while the guy running the 23 piont reflect granter will have even a slim chance of dishing out at least some damage atleast.

what drew me to the game was the cool jedi, but once I leared that with a few exeptions, that these high costed jedi were at a disavantage. I was forced to use heavy shooter squads to have a chance to win. my first pull was the old bastila and I was like awsome, until every on said she sucks. I was like why? they said[because, you need good shooters to win]. I was forced to run shooter cannon squads just to keep up. the only melee jedi squads that seemed to do well. were the ones that had some kind of ranged force power or a movement breaker.

I think the best chance of getting new players and kids into the game is to make those jedi's they love, more balanced. every little kid or new player I have ever met in person looked happy when they pulled a high point cost jedi they loved from the movies or expanded univers . until they played a player using a powerful beefed up unknown fringe commin that blows ther favorite jedi to peices. I'm not talking about a experianced vrs new player. I'm talking about to freinds that get into the game at the same skill level.

if you take two players at the exact skill level. 8 times out of 10 the one with the greater mobile shooter will win the battle. so now the kid that loves those jedi is either forced to either use the same kind of squad the other kid is using or quit, becuase he is tired of getting blown away and gets bored.

no disrespect to the long time players or designers. this is just my oppinion. I could be completely wrong. regardless I love this game and will always play no matter what. sorry for the bad grammoud and long winded message. :)

I agree with you 100%. I love imperial knights. They are so very cool. But every time I play them I get gunned down as an afterthought. It's frustrating and Anachronistic. I don't care who you are, you shouldn't be able to just casually mow down jedi like that.

Sithborg wrote:
And it is no where near as simple as what you make it out to be. You make a figure that can shrug off many, many shots, with no strategy, you break the game.

No matter what you do, Range will always have advantages over Melee. The shear basics of attacking someone further away vs having to be adjacent. And I'm sorry, but the game should not be based around which Jedi/Sith you run. People do like the various famous shooters we have had. Why should random no name Jedi be considered be more popular than Han Solo.

I seriously have trouble seeing the game be more balanced than what it currently is. Maybe a few tweaks to the map list, but other than that, not much. Having a mixed squad is better than having all Melee or all Range (as it should). The trouble with boosting older figs, is that 99% of the time, it will boost the newer more powerful figs just as much, leaving the same gap.

Han Solo was never known to be on par with a jedi. I''m just sayin'. You say the game is broken if melee can shrug off many many shots but what about the flip side? When shooters can one/two-shot melee characters from any distance? Is that fair? I don't think so.

The advantage of being able to kill an enemy at range shouldn't simply be somthing that is accepted and nurtured as a rule. There needs to be some balance. If shooters can be dealing damage at range, it needs to be less damage. You shouldn't just be able to blow away 75% of a melee character's hp from across the map with a single activation just because you managed to draw a line to the tip of their hand.

There needs to be a challange involved in running a ranged character, risks, some sort of need to make the right moves instead of just "I pop out and shoot 4 times then jump back to saftey! Derp!"

Moving across the map as a melee figure with a GMA shooter or two and movement breakers or a swap is freaking stressfull. For the shooter though it's like shooting fish in a barrel more often than not.

"We serve with honor and if we are asked to sacrifice our honor as our duty, then we are betrayed."
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 Post subject: Re: Greater Mobile attack on a ranged character.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 10:32 am 
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SenateCommando wrote:
I agree with you 100%. I love imperial knights. They are so very cool. But every time I play them I get gunned down as an afterthought. It's frustrating and Anachronistic. I don't care who you are, you shouldn't be able to just casually mow down jedi like that.

I agree with the 0%. I love Rebel Trooper swarms. They are so very cool. But every time I play them I get galloped or strafed as an afterthought. It's frustrating. I don't care who you are, you shouldn't be able to just casually mow down an entire army like that with one melee character.

See? The problem isn't ranged vs melee. It's not GMA on shooters nor Gallop/Strafe on melee. It's comparing completely mediocre figures (whether Imperial Knights or Rebel Troopers) to the very best figures in the game.

In a more general sense, Sithborg nailed it. The strategy with melee has to be about protecting them well during the approaches. If ou don't have to do that, there's almost no strategy to them left. This is a concession for game balance from the fluff, but it's one that's absolutely necessary for an entertaining game with a mix of shooters and melee.


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 Post subject: Re: Greater Mobile attack on a ranged character.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 4:12 pm 
Death Star Designers
Death Star Designers
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There is a challenge to shooters. It's called Cover (def boost) and targetting rules. And seriously, it is pretty easy to kill Cad Bane or Dash by Melee figs, quite a few on the move.

Bloomilk Ambassador

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 Post subject: Re: Greater Mobile attack on a ranged character.
PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 4:24 am 
Black Sun Thug
Black Sun Thug
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NickName wrote:
I agree with the 0%. I love Rebel Trooper swarms. They are so very cool. But every time I play them I get galloped or strafed as an afterthought. It's frustrating. I don't care who you are, you shouldn't be able to just casually mow down an entire army like that with one melee character.

See? The problem isn't ranged vs melee. It's not GMA on shooters nor Gallop/Strafe on melee. It's comparing completely mediocre figures (whether Imperial Knights or Rebel Troopers) to the very best figures in the game.

Well if you like I can change my statement to "melee who can't run across the map in a single activation killing whatever they touch." I don't really care. Yobuck or Lancers are the exceptions, not the norm.

Sithborg wrote:
There is a challenge to shooters. It's called Cover (def boost) and targetting rules. And seriously, it is pretty easy to kill Cad Bane or Dash by Melee figs, quite a few on the move.

Cover doesn't matter vs melee. That and cover tends to be a pretty brainless thing to have. And many shooters you see being played these days have multiple stacked defensive abilities so really you don't even need to always stay in complete cover and probably never would need to vs a melee heavy team. . I really don't see how you folks can still pretend there's a balance. SHould I compare Strengths again?

Can deal damage from any distance
Rarely if ever need to leave safety to deal full damage.
Many can deal two to four times the damage of a similarly costed melee character while moving.

Often have approx. 30% more hp than a similarly costed shooter.


"We serve with honor and if we are asked to sacrifice our honor as our duty, then we are betrayed."
―Ganner Krieg to Antares Draco

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 Post subject: Re: Greater Mobile attack on a ranged character.
PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 9:44 am 
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The cover comment that he made was in regards to melee having cover against shooters, not vice versa. Shooters also have to deal with targetting rules, which can cause lots of problems for these big bad shooters you think are so epic, since none of the GMA+ Double + Twin shooters have Accurate shot at this time. As you said, melee tend to have higher, by a good margin, more HP (and 30% is on the low side for several frequently used pieces. Its probably closet to 50% at least), and also a significantly higher base Defense than the shooters. There is also Evade, Lightsaber Defense, Deflect, and Reflect to consider as well.

If all your gonna do is complain about the game, go play something else. Seriously.

WotC: 890/890
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fingersandteeth wrote:
Also t4 for override and a cheeky flame.

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 Post subject: Re: Greater Mobile attack on a ranged character.
PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 9:50 am 
Death Star Designers
Death Star Designers
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Cover is entirely important to Melee, since if you are not using cover to approach, then you deserve to get shot to hell. And then there is the targetting rules. Scared of the Double/Twin "monster" of Cad/Dash/Rex, toss a Mouse/Ugnaught in front, and watch them loose half their damage. There are not many good shooters with Accurate (the Bobas and the Hans for the most part). And there is NONE with Double/Twin/GMA. Yes, cover doesn't matter when they are actually adjacent, but you know what, pretty much all of the shooter's defensive powers are void as well, whereas most of the good Melee figs can still prevent some damage.

Melee should not be as easy to play as range. The basic differences means range will always have a bit of an advantage. There is now straight up comparison that is valid, as the balance is coming from maps and smart gameplay. It isn't even as difficult as you may think run Melee correctly. GMA/Double/Twin may take less skill to play, but that doesn't mean that there isn't balance when things are played correctly.

Bloomilk Ambassador

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 Post subject: Re: Greater Mobile attack on a ranged character.
PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:19 am 
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SenateCommando wrote:
Well if you like I can change my statement to "melee who can't run across the map in a single activation killing whatever they touch." I don't really care. Yobuck or Lancers are the exceptions, not the norm.

Feel free to change it if you'll also retract your statement about Greater Mobile shooters as well. They are also the exception, not the norm.

GMA shooters and highly-mobile melee are what get played at the very top level of the game and they compete basically fine against each other. And the lesser stuff tends to compete fine against other lesser stuff. Pit your Imperial Knights against my Rebel Troopers and things are plenty "fair". The problem only occurs when people pit medicre pieces against insanely good pieces to try to make a point. It's a paper-tiger argument.

Don't bring a kitten with stripes painted on it to a tiger fight and then claim it's not a fair fight. Put two tigers in the ring and it's a lot tougher argument to make.

If you want to say that the disparity in quality between the best and the average pieces WotC designed is too large--hey, I'm right there with you. It's a reasonable argument. It also has nothing to do with shooters vs melee.


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 Post subject: Re: Greater Mobile attack on a ranged character.
PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 11:34 am 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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Sithborg wrote:
There are not many good shooters with Accurate (the Bobas and the Hans for the most part). And there is NONE with Double/Twin/GMA.

This is only half correct. It's true there are none that have that on their own, but there are ways to create the combo. ie Boba BH + Gen. Windu/Jedi Exile/Krayt/Gonk Power Droid + Twilek BSV, or Echani Handmaiden + Twilek BSV + Veers.

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 Post subject: Re: Greater Mobile attack on a ranged character.
PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 12:01 pm 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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Grand Moff Boris wrote:
Sithborg wrote:
There are not many good shooters with Accurate (the Bobas and the Hans for the most part). And there is NONE with Double/Twin/GMA.

This is only half correct. It's true there are none that have that on their own, but there are ways to create the combo. ie Boba BH + Gen. Windu/Jedi Exile/Krayt/Gonk Power Droid + Twilek BSV, or Echani Handmaiden + Twilek BSV + Veers.

Also 1/2 correct.

It's true there are none that have that on their own, but there are ways to create the combo. ie Boba BH + Gen. Windu/Jedi Exile/Krayt + Twilek BSV, or Echani Handmaiden + Veers.

Fixed :)

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 Post subject: Re: Greater Mobile attack on a ranged character.
PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 1:58 pm 
Death Star Designers
Death Star Designers
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Meh, this seems to be a bit more about the single figs, not squads.

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