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 Post subject: GM-ing first campaign
PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2010 3:14 pm 
Jedi Battlemaster
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I am GM-ing my first campaign, it ahs been fun so far, but I'd love to get a little input every now and again.

The Party:
Qyx - Umbran Jedi, very high Wisdom and Charisma scores, Force Focused as well as high persuation/deception, dark side leanings
Count TooTall - Paun Jedi, Wisom = 20. Force Combat focused, otherwise weak in every other area, gathers info, dark side leanings, but could go either way
Gand - Gand bounty hunter, standard character type, player like to do damage and is focused on getting kills. Neutral
DP296 - HK-style droid. Dark Side.. has a charisma score of 7. Acts like it too. Hates Jawas. Dark side leanings
Woof - Wookiee meatsheild (played by myself), only good for hitting things with his ax, and climbing.

The Story
Players met in a *gasp* bar, where (epic plot starter :P) an invading force of Battle Droids attack the area and they had to choose whether or not to join the BDs or the Clones. Party chose to fight with the clones, and defeated the droids. The Gand wasted a thermal detonator to kill a few of them.
Party meets Jedi Master Chaven, and is hired to perform delicate investigations into separatist plans.
Party sent to a research facility near the war borders to learn more info about a rash of missing padawans and younglings. They eventually gain entrance, fight many droids and hack computer. Meet no scientists, find one dead youngling and data about main research facility. Report back to Chaven for payment.
Party is sent in a ship (Skipray Blastboat, their choice) to Muunilist and manage to not fail a single pilot or deception check to make it to the city, where they make their way, via a stop at a weapons store of course, to their target; a highly guarded military research center. Amazingly they bluff their way in under the pretense of coming to clean the air ducts. Two party members explore the facility via airducks and eventually combat occurs in the cramped hallways. They don't get hit much, but take an awefully long time to clear everything out, so most of the data was lost from the central computers. Facility was set to go Boom by the scientists, so party buggers off.
But they still have to escape from the facility. I railroad them into running through the jungle where they mostly avoid dangers and meet a few minor beast encounters, but eventually they make it to the ship and off planet.
Return to Chaven and get less money, since they were unable to either rescue anymore younglings or get much more data. Chaven expresses concerns over the dark side's growth in the two jedis and sends them to meditate. However, the party learns that nearby there is a credit transfer depot that has a large deposit of credits. So instead of meditating they go off to rob a bank. They successfully pull off the heist, stealling money and some random items from safety deposit boxes.
On the way back to where Chaven is, the two jedi receive a Force vision and feel compelled to go to Byss. They try to trick Chaven into letting them go, but that doesn't work. After they tell him what is really going on, Chaven lets them go investigate under a very strict timeline.
Party flies to Byss in their now, very wanted-for-robbery ship and lands near a small forboding palace.
Entering the facility they encounter a group of robo-younglings, capable of using the force (through the use of sith alchemy and clever cybernetics of course) and a Sith apprentice type guy. A little speech and combat ensues. Party handily defeats the enemies and is prepared to move in on the Sith Baddy.


At this point, the story is going pretty well, the two jedi are going to need to make a choice to go LS or DS in the next session, and we'll see how it goes from there.

I do have some difficulties in making any challenging combat or situations for them though.
Both Jedis have +19 to their UtF checks, so most FP are basically garaunteed. I'm finding it hard to find ways to make it more difficult to challenge them, while not making it look specifically like I'm targetting only them.
Furthermore the Umbran Jedi went consular tree and took Master Negotiator, which if he rolls high enough (+15 to his Persuation) he can knock an enemy down to -10 on the CT in one round.
I'm working around it, but any clever suggestions would be helpful.

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 Post subject: Re: GM-ing first campaign
PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2010 3:26 pm 
Imperial Dignitaries
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One word: VONG! Force immunity will have those darkside-leaning jedis crying like younglings. Bwaahaaahaaa!

More seriously, finding a way to work in ysalamiri could be interesting. Perhaps their search for youngings leads them to a planet with lots of ysalamiri (that's how they keep the younglings under control). That could make things really interesting for a while, if the group has to infiltrate the base where the younglings are being held, and then extract them and escape off-planet, all the while not being able to use the force as often or as freely as they're accustomed to.

Or else send a tarentatek (jedi-hunting monster from kotor) after them. "Mind trick THIS, you force-loving darksiders!"

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 Post subject: Re: GM-ing first campaign
PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2010 3:33 pm 
One of The Ones
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Yeah, there are plenty of 'strong-willed' species in the game. Plus, they can't use Master Negotiator on Droids, can they? (Not familiar with that ability, so I really don't know).

Sounds to me like your Jedi have gone mostly the force power route, and not the lightsaber attack/damage route. So that probably means they don't have beefy defenses or such either. You can throw things like Gamorreans at them, which have very high Str/Fort defenses, lots of HP, and do a ton of damage when they hit with their Vibroaxes. The Dark Side leaning for both Jedi makes it tough, as I'm betting they took some DS powers like Grip or Lightning, yes? If so, remember that they are supposed to get a DS point for EVERY time they use a DS power. And if their DS score exceeds their Wisdom score, then according to the rulebook, they are defeated. Or, as a GM, you could choose to have them fall fully to the dark side and become an NPC (villain perhaps?) or something like that.

You could always throw a Jedi-hunting Bounty Hunter at them. Somebody hired by the Seps.

Basically, the best thing to do is to bend the rules however you need in order to make the game interesting. Remember, role-playing is more like the Pirate Code. It's really more of a guideline. ;)

"You either die a hero, or you live to see yourself become the villain."

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 Post subject: Re: GM-ing first campaign
PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2010 10:36 am 
The One True Sith Lord
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LoboStele wrote:
Yeah, there are plenty of 'strong-willed' species in the game. Plus, they can't use Master Negotiator on Droids, can they? (Not familiar with that ability, so I really don't know).

Sounds to me like your Jedi have gone mostly the force power route, and not the lightsaber attack/damage route. So that probably means they don't have beefy defenses or such either. You can throw things like Gamorreans at them, which have very high Str/Fort defenses, lots of HP, and do a ton of damage when they hit with their Vibroaxes. The Dark Side leaning for both Jedi makes it tough, as I'm betting they took some DS powers like Grip or Lightning, yes? If so, remember that they are supposed to get a DS point for EVERY time they use a DS power. And if their DS score exceeds their Wisdom score, then according to the rulebook, they are defeated. Or, as a GM, you could choose to have them fall fully to the dark side and become an NPC (villain perhaps?) or something like that.

You could always throw a Jedi-hunting Bounty Hunter at them. Somebody hired by the Seps.

Basically, the best thing to do is to bend the rules however you need in order to make the game interesting. Remember, role-playing is more like the Pirate Code. It's really more of a guideline. ;)

OMG dont ever and I mean ever tell Jonny AKA The Rules Lawyer that...... otherwise he wont know when to wquit the campaign because he took 20 dmg.

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 Post subject: Re: GM-ing first campaign
PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2010 11:16 am 
Droid Army Commander
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Dean I build a guy that I have no clue how to run. He acts like a normal person and does normal things thats not me so I have no clue what I am doing.............. :lol: At least I was good at playing the gungan :D

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 Post subject: Re: GM-ing first campaign
PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2010 11:53 am 
One of The Ones
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dnemiller wrote:
LoboStele wrote:
Yeah, there are plenty of 'strong-willed' species in the game. Plus, they can't use Master Negotiator on Droids, can they? (Not familiar with that ability, so I really don't know).

Sounds to me like your Jedi have gone mostly the force power route, and not the lightsaber attack/damage route. So that probably means they don't have beefy defenses or such either. You can throw things like Gamorreans at them, which have very high Str/Fort defenses, lots of HP, and do a ton of damage when they hit with their Vibroaxes. The Dark Side leaning for both Jedi makes it tough, as I'm betting they took some DS powers like Grip or Lightning, yes? If so, remember that they are supposed to get a DS point for EVERY time they use a DS power. And if their DS score exceeds their Wisdom score, then according to the rulebook, they are defeated. Or, as a GM, you could choose to have them fall fully to the dark side and become an NPC (villain perhaps?) or something like that.

You could always throw a Jedi-hunting Bounty Hunter at them. Somebody hired by the Seps.

Basically, the best thing to do is to bend the rules however you need in order to make the game interesting. Remember, role-playing is more like the Pirate Code. It's really more of a guideline. ;)

OMG dont ever and I mean ever tell Jonny AKA The Rules Lawyer that...... otherwise he wont know when to wquit the campaign because he took 20 dmg.

See, that's the secret though, and part of why it would be tough to play on Vassal, IMO. One of the most powerful things a GM can do, is to hide his dice rolls. In fact, the gamemaster screen for SWRPG even has a little thing on it that talks about adjusting dice rolls up or down by a small amount as necessary. By hiding the rolls, you have the power as the GM to do some crazy stuff whenever you want to.

Like, for instance, at GenCon last year, towards the very end of our playing time on Wednesday night, I knew it wouldn't really make any difference, but I wanted to kill (or knock unconscious) at least one of the PCs. So, my Scientist NPC actually had some destiny points, and I rolled his attack behind my GM screen, and then quietly had him spend a Destiny point, which caused the attack to crit on Eruletho's PC, and killed him. Until now, nobody probably had any idea that that's what happened. They probably thought I actually rolled a crit (partly because I also played it off as though I rolled a 20, lol).

See, now in that situation, I totally followed the rules. No bending of them. But I didn't explain it to the players either. Of course, what you also do as the GM sometimes is things like claiming a roll is a 17 when it was really only a 14, or stuff like that. Fudge the numbers just slightly here and there as necessary to make the story go the way you want it to. You still play by the actual rules in the rulebook as much as possible, but as the GM, you control everything, and you manipulate it as necessary. :P

Also, there are other fun things you can do, like Trevor mentioned. Another fun thing that Lackey has thrown at our group once (which includes 2 Jedi) was pirate thugs with Sonic Weapons. Jedi can't use Deflect/Absorb Energy on Sonic Weapons. Another option is Slugthrower weapons. Do a little less damage, but are tougher to defend against as well. Varying up the weapon types that the enemy characters are using can help to keep your players on their toes.

"You either die a hero, or you live to see yourself become the villain."

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 Post subject: Re: GM-ing first campaign
PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2010 8:15 pm 
Jedi Battlemaster
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Sonic Weapons are good for getting around the irritating Deflect, yes.

Other tricks I've heard of:
* Stymie talent: Give this to some of your NPC's, and as a swift action, they can impose a -5 penalty on the Jedi's Use the Force checks.
* Unstoppable Force feat: grants +5 to Fort and Will against UtF checks.
* Rebuke force power: Deflect the Jedi's force powers. Good for Sith.
* Improved Rebuke force technique: Lets the Sith rebuke a power that targets any allies within 6 squares.
* Suppress Force talent: Negate your Jedi's force power as a reaction with Mind Trick.
* Telekinetic Stability Force talent: Negate being moved by Move Object.
* Grand Army of the Rupublic feat: Give this to some heavily-armored soldiers, giving them bonuses on Will defense.
* Resist Force force power: Boosts defenses against UtF checks.

So I've basically had to give my main custom baddies a combinations of a few of these so that they have some kind of chance against the jedi.

Since I know now of them troll these boards..I can give a little sneak peak of the next session..

I'll have them face down with a higher (12 or 13 ish) level dark jedi.. who happens to be a Jawa (Droid PC hates jawas), who has also captured the PC jedi Master contact (who will be about level 14 or 15). {they will all be 8, but I let them go prestige early if they could}
They will have to chose to either join the dark jedi, and defeat their former master in combat (he will spend his first round taking control via the force, the nearby Droid-youngling things).. or fight the dark lord and his cronies, taking their first steps back to redemption.
Certain things about their characters will change in dealing with their FPs, and DS score, depending on their choice. I know technically that when they max their DS score they 'die', but I don't mind it turning into a DS campaign if that is what the players all want to do.

I'm excited for the next session, but still haven't gotten it all planned out.. and am running out of time!

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 Post subject: Re: GM-ing first campaign
PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:17 pm 
Jedi Battlemaster
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Well last session went pretty good.

Had to do a bit of railroading to get the players to meet the big bad boss.

I wish I had planned an epic speech, but I really just presented them with the options of joining the sith lord with an army of robo-younglings, or freeing their Master, Chaven.

Since I made the sith a Jawa (:D intentional to annoy the droid player), they ended up attacking the sith forces.. and I finally knocked out a player! WOO!

In return for freeing the Jedi, the two force sensitives gained a +1 to wisdom, but can no longer use Dark Side force powers. Also I made it clear that if anyone went fully dark side, their characters would become mine.

in additional they had a final cave encounter where the jedi each gained a crystal (heart of guardian and mantle of force).

Next session is to be an encounter around the Droid (possibly finding maker, we'll see..), then next week will be about the Gand (who needs a name/great accomplishment).

After the sessions specific to the PCs, they'll get some kind of perk.

Still unsure where I'm going..maybe some grand battle in a few weeks, then a quest for an ultimate weapon.

fun fun!

Winner of the Knights of the SWMGamers Stats Contest
<Joruus (GFC)> - Sheesh, I swear you're like Fool 2.0 (and you can quote me on it xD)
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 Post subject: Re: GM-ing first campaign
PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:34 am 
One of The Ones
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Awesome! Glad to hear it went better. Don't be afraid to knock your PCs unconscious. I think Lackey knocks me unconscious in just about every encounter we get into, lol.

I'm the same way about villain speeches though. Last time I just basically tried to wing it, and I'm really wishing I hadn't. We've kind of taken a break from my campaign, but if we start it up again, I fully plan to put a little more thinking into my villains. Gotta have the over-the-top villain monologue. Just isn't as good without that. :P

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