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SSB 2.?
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Author:  kezzamachine [ Tue Sep 28, 2010 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  SSB 2.?


Just keen to find out what the plan is wi' SSB. I mean, it sounds like the improvements have been awesome and I'm looking forward to trying it out (must... finish... degree... first... only... one... month...) - but I understand there are some issue with the power (or lack of) with Fighters.

In short, is there gonna be a Rules 2.1? If so, when? Or are there any other dates/events coming up in the SSB timeline?

(I ask because I'm probably gonna make some cards, but would rather hold off if some new stats were coming etc.)

Anyhoo - love your work!

Author:  dalsiandon [ Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SSB 2.?

The game as it stands right now is 100 times better than the original. After speaking with Eric it sounds as if he will revise the rules if there is enough call for it.

As someone who has played a number of games under the new rule set and as I'm sure you've read; in the current setup for hte game, fighters are unnecessary. Does that mean they can't help you, no, there are some amazing bombers in the game that can just destroy big capital ships, if they can survive the AAA round from the big ships.

But the game can be played Star Trek Style where it's basically big capital ships just slugging it out.

But since anyone playing is gonna be playing purely for fun, use the fighters anyways. I was thinking of suggesting to eric to include a fighter point total in the new set, to kind of force players to utilize fighters. I was thinking of something around 1/4 of the build total, so in a 200 point fleet you'd be mandated to have 50 points worth of fighters, but that can get ridiculous too so it needs to be tempered or moderated based on point level. And you would always be allowed to run more fighters than the fighter total, but never less.

Author:  Engineer [ Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SSB 2.?

I need to get a free weekend and do some further playtesting. When the final 2.0 rules are released, my intention is that fighters will need to be played.

Author:  Disturbed1 [ Sat Oct 02, 2010 1:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SSB 2.?

"Need" meaning each squad would be required to field some, or as in it is advisable to use them in your squad, cause going with justbigger ships might be a bad diea?

Author:  dalsiandon [ Sat Oct 02, 2010 10:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SSB 2.?

Disturbed1 wrote:
"Need" meaning each squad would be required to field some, or as in it is advisable to use them in your squad, cause going with justbigger ships might be a bad diea?

I think thats what he said. And I would think, I'm not eric, so I don't know for sure, but I think with what he's done ot this point, but making a need for fighters would be finding a place for them, giving htem a real reason to exist in the game, because right now there isn't.

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