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A Galaxy at War... against MS - Nov. 14th, Lawrenceville, GA
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Author:  Nivuahc [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  A Galaxy at War... against MS - Nov. 14th, Lawrenceville, GA

Atlanta Star Wars Gamers will be holding a charity event to raise money for the MS Society at The Tower Games in Lawrenceville, GA on November 14th, 2009.

The (tentative) schedule for the day is as follows (matches timed at 45 minutes):

8:00am - Registration
9:00am - Tournament 1 (200 point constructed, Era 1*)
1:00pm - Tournament 2 (200 point constructed, Era 2*)
5:00pm - 1 hour break
6:00pm - Tournament 3 (200 point constructed, Era 3*)
10:00pm - Tournament 4 (200 point constructed, Era 4*)
2:00am - The top 4 players of the day will face off in a 200 point constructed single elimination playoff to determine an event champion. No Era restrictions apply.

*Era restrictions

Players are restricted to using characters from the following factions for each era, as well as Fringe characters throughout the entire day (normal faction rules apply):

Era 1 - Old Republic, Mandalorian, Sith
Era 2 - Republic, Mandalorian, Separatist
Era 3 - Rebels, Mandalorian, Imperials
Era 4 - New Republic, Mandalorian, Yuuzhan Vong

There is no cost to play but you MUST COMMIT as a player AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so that sponsors can be lined up for everyone. You will also be encouraged to find sponsors for yourselves as our primary goal in this event is to raise as much money as possible for the fight against MS.

Sponsors will agree to donate a set amount of money for each tournament that you place in the top 10, top 3, or 1st place.

So, for example, Sponsor A agrees to donate $5.00, $10.00, or $15.00 depending on where you place. If you make it into the top 10, the donate $5.00 to the MS Society. If you make it into the top 3, they donate $10.00 to the MS Society. If you actually win the tournament, they donate $15.00 to the MS Society. That figure could also be as high as $100.00, $200.00, or $300.00 (or more) as we are already working on getting corporate level sponsors for the people who commit to playing. You can have as many sponsors as you are able to get as well as whatever sponsors we are able to get for you.

There will be food and drinks provided to those playing in the event and prizes for each tournament as well as a major prize for the winner of the whole day. There will also be a special prize for the highest money earner of the day, apart from all of the other prizes. Star Wars merchandise will be up for raffle and members of the 501st have (tentatively) agreed to maintain a presence throughout the day. There will likely be press around throughout the day and, all in all, it promises to be a grueling yet fun day to play our favorite game and raise money to help the fight against MS.

I'm asking that those of you who are not able to attend, due to distance or scheduling conflicts, to please consider sponsoring a player or donating items for raffle or prizes. I am working, now, on getting together a list of corporate sponsors and if you or your company would be interested in sponsoring a player (or more) for the day it would be greatly appreciated.

If you would like to participate as a player, donate merchandise for raffle, or sponsor a player for this event you can send me your information at events@atlantaswg.com

Author:  LandShark [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Galaxy at War... against MS - Nov. 7th, Lawrenceville, GA

Looks like a good event for a great cause...

Goodluck. I'd participate if I could. ATL is toof far, and Nov 7th is my sons Birthday.

Author:  Nivuahc [ Thu Sep 10, 2009 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Galaxy at War... against MS - Nov. 14th, Lawrenceville, GA

Please note the different era restrictions that have been put in place for the days events.

Author:  Khanbob42 [ Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Galaxy at War... against MS - Nov. 14th, Lawrenceville, GA

I shall be there! :D

Lets just hope i can muster up a few good ideas for 200 point squads in the next couple months....

Author:  Khanbob42 [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Galaxy at War... against MS - Nov. 14th, Lawrenceville, GA

Oh, and I had a few questions regarding squad building for this tournament (or really any constructed tournament)

Do I need to build both a light side and dark side squad for each time era?

If not, can I mix and match light and dark in the same squad so long as they are in the same era?

Also, could i technically build a 200 point all Fringe squad and use that for every tournament?

I'm still a bit foggy on how squad construction works in general in regards to tournaments.

Author:  LoboStele [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 9:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Galaxy at War... against MS - Nov. 14th, Lawrenceville, GA

Khanbob42 wrote:
Oh, and I had a few questions regarding squad building for this tournament (or really any constructed tournament)

Do I need to build both a light side and dark side squad for each time era?

If not, can I mix and match light and dark in the same squad so long as they are in the same era?

Also, could i technically build a 200 point all Fringe squad and use that for every tournament?

I'm still a bit foggy on how squad construction works in general in regards to tournaments.

You, my friend, need to look at the DCI Floor Rules for SWMs. :)

Or call Chuck. :P

Seriously though, the simple thing is, DCI Tournaments are done a tad different from a squad construction stand-point from the Era-thing as defined in the book. For DCI Events, squads are built using a single faction + Fringe pieces. No era restrictions, just faction Restrictions. Now, there are some Commander Effects and some 'Affinity' abilities that allow pieces to jump across those faction lines, but outside of those, your squad for a tournament has to be from one faction. Fringe pieces are allowed anywhere, since they're Fringe. ;)

Hope that helps!

Author:  Nivuahc [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Galaxy at War... against MS - Nov. 14th, Lawrenceville, GA


You only need a single squad for each tournament (4 for the day) and you're restricted to a certain era for each event. That means that, for example, in the first game you could build a squad consisting of Old Republic and Fringe characters (fringe can be in any squad). For the second game you could build a Republic squad which included Fringe characters, and so on.

Squad construction is different for a constructed event than it is for a sealed event (like you played at Dragon*Con). A constructed event, which follows faction rules, means that all of your characters have to belong to a single faction (i.e. Imperials) or the Fringe faction (which can go into any squad).

I know you don't have a large collection of miniatures to draw from but you needn't worry about that. I've got a sizable collection and you and Sandee are free to use my stuff, along with anything that you have of your own.

- Chuck

Author:  Khanbob42 [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Galaxy at War... against MS - Nov. 14th, Lawrenceville, GA

You are too kind :D

I probably will have to take you up on the offer of borrowing some minis. I've been perusing bloomilk.com trying to get some squad ideas.

I will definitely be playing but as of right now Sandee is unsure. If she ends up not playing then most likely she will sponsor me via donations.

Oh and one actually on topic question:

Can we sponsor ourselves?

Author:  Nivuahc [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Galaxy at War... against MS - Nov. 14th, Lawrenceville, GA

Khanbob42 wrote:
Can we sponsor ourselves?


Author:  Grand Moff Boris [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Galaxy at War... against MS - Nov. 14th, Lawrenceville, GA

Can we have more than one sponsor?

Author:  Nivuahc [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Galaxy at War... against MS - Nov. 14th, Lawrenceville, GA

Grand Moff Boris wrote:
Can we have more than one sponsor?


Author:  jhc36 [ Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Galaxy at War... against MS - Nov. 14th, Lawrenceville, GA

Great idea Chuck! I'll see what I can do about driving down for the event, sounds like a great time and for a great cause. Plus I love the era format, not just the same old same old squads.

Author:  Nivuahc [ Sat Sep 12, 2009 12:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A Galaxy at War... against MS - Nov. 14th, Lawrenceville, GA

jhc36 wrote:
Great idea Chuck! I'll see what I can do about driving down for the event, sounds like a great time and for a great cause. Plus I love the era format, not just the same old same old squads.

That's what I was aiming for. :)

And having you (as well as the rest of the Charlotte crew) come down for the event would be awesome!

Author:  Khanbob42 [ Sun Nov 08, 2009 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A Galaxy at War... against MS - Nov. 14th, Lawrenceville, GA

I am still extremely excited about this!

Just 6 more days!!!!

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