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 Post subject: Friday's 200 pt Vassal DCi Tourney
PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:55 am 
Jedi Battlemaster
Jedi Battlemaster
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Joined: Sat Dec 08, 2007 8:46 pm
Posts: 3200
Location: Owen Sound, ON
General Windu
Boba Fett, Merc
Qui-Gonn Jinn
R2-D2, Astro
Ewok x3
Uggy x4

Map: Ravaged Base

First Match
Zack Guillory/DirtyCajun

General Windu (72) 22/16+
Mas Amedda (8) 14/3+
Republic Commando Boss (19) 17/9+
Republic Commando Sev (16) 17/9+
Republic Commando Train(30) 15/10+
r2-D2,Astro droid(9) 17/8+
Polis Massa Medic(9) 11/0+
Rancor(33) 18/8+
Ugnaught Demo(3) 12/0+

Map: Rancor Pit

I won map, and he sets up inside on the left

First round shots saw me able to kill Boss, and take a point lead, but poor positioning left R2 wide open, and he bit the dust went I lost init.
put 20 onto Sev, only 1 attack hit out of 3, and he failed both shield saves

I was later able to base the RCTS, and kill it, allowing Fett to finish off the Sev, and try to hit the rancor, but Fett couldn’t hit the broad side of the barn then.

Eventually his Mace Based Mine and triple, criting once and doing 80 damage. I was able to Riposte, and pout some damage, tripled back, 80 and absorbing the riposte.

I managed to base with both mace and qui Gonn, and I won the key init, pounding his Mace away. From there it was really just Clean up. His rancor got in the mix, but its low attack didn’t let it do too much damage.

I made some mistakes with my positioning early on, but I think I’m starting to figure out how to run this squad well.

Second Match

Rodriguez/Chabelo Jedi Hunter

Leia of Cloud City 14
Rebel Leader 18
Dodona 9
Garm Bel Iblis 45
Juno Eclipse 8
Rebel Trooper on Tauntaun 13
Han Solo of Hoth 33
Uggie 3
Wicket 8
Tamtel Skrejj 23
199 pts

Reinforce: Rebel Honor Guard, Rebel Trooper x4
Map: Ravaged Base

Same Map, and I get to set up first, setting up on the right.

My initial thoughts are that I have the slightly stronger squad, but with no disruptive to stop the CF/Spotter combo, I could get into trouble real quick..

Han came out stronger than I thought, Dropping 90 damage onto Windu in the first two rounds, Now I’m a lot more cautious. I managed to kill the Honor Guard with Boba, but didn’t get to shoot anything else AND it took two shots to do it, so I don’t even get to move.

After taking that much damage to Windu, it was time to slow things right down. Boba intuition-ed and moved, popping his only ug. Then R2 locked the centre door., and I started to move things down to the bottom of the map

But on the next init, I make another error and get burned.. 4 uggs burned in fact, but I trade them for Tamtel.
Mace got towed and triple to take out Bossk, and R2 locked a different door, forcing him to funnel down the centre

Well he got lucky, Boba missed the Rebel Leader.. rolling 2 1s, ugh and then in reply he was able to finish off Mace, looks like and uphill battle for me now. Finally won init, and took out Dodonna and the Rebel Leader, one more init win, and I could move back on top. Down to Qui-Gonn, Boba and R2.

Time has been called, looks like I’ve lost this one. Tough match, but I feel like I played reasonably well, with only a few mistakes.

Third Match

jabba crime lord,
R2-D2, Astro
Mas Amedda,
Gotal MercX2,
Trandoshan MercX3,
human bodyguard,
uggo X2

Map: Yavin 4 Temple

He wins map, and I set up on right.

I think I can win this one, just got to keep Mace and Qui Gonn close to Kota, and use Boba to remove the Nym.

Boba got some opening shots off on Nym, doing 20 to him and the BG. I win the init despite Recon, and triple with Fett. Surprise, a 1… so the BG bites it and Nym is down to 50. He takes some shots back and retreats, I pursue with Qui Gonn and swipe a Trando.
Back and forth is goes, Boba lines up for a triple on Kota, after Qui Gonn, based and kill R2, 3 misses, totally Epic.
Mace wipes out the Gotals and moves down to engage Kota.

After I Force Absorb Kota’s repulse, And Boba and Qui Gonn drop the hurt, Pitchstar concedes. A good game, I think I might be able to handle my next match fairly well.

Fourth Match

Telosian Tank Droid
Telosian Tank Droid
Darth Sidious
Deliah Blue
Geonosian Overseer
Human Bodyguard
San Hill
Battle Droid Officer
Ugnaught Demolitionist x 3

Map: Chancellor’s Starship

Luckily I win map on this one, and he sets up on right.
I forgot to Surpise Move Qui Gonn so I could shoot down the corridor, frusterating.
PotDS allowed him to move in and kill 3 scrubs, I tried to isolate the lone TTD in front, but he was able to out activate me significantly and catch up to me.

8 attacks from the other TTD later and Qui Gonn was no more. And I loose the subsequent init, gonna be hard to pull a win out of this one.

Managed to take out the one TTD at the sacrifice of R2. did some hiding, and let him come to me. Managed to kill and uggo and Blue. Now its Mace and Boba vs the Octouple attacking TTD.

I has Fett down at 30 HP and needed to run for the TTD, but to move avail, I moved him just one square too short and failed the save that would have kept me alive. Eventually Mace did destroy the TTD, but was too weakened by then the stand up to Sid. Now where does that sound familiar.

Okay, now I’m off to get 3 hours of sleep! Editing to follow later

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