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 Post subject: Cincinnati OH, 150 Pts, 7/16/09
PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:52 am 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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Man, last night was a blast. Sure, people still got frustrated at lousy rolls here or there, but overall, I think everyone's "fun" level has definitely increased due to the new pieces in this set. In addition, at least 2 or 3 people last night were playing factions that they don't usually play, so I think that is a HUGE improvement as well. We had 9 people overall, so a decent turn out, especially considering that some of our 'regulars', like Lackey, weren't there either.

Anyways, I saw TINT's squad over in the 150 section, and it was similar to some things I'd been toying around with, so I decided to give it a try.


51 Yoda on Kybuck
33 Captain Rex
23 Captain Panaka
21 Dark Woman
09 R2 Astromech
08 Mas Amedda
05 Caamasi Noble

150pts, 7 activations.
Map: Rancor Pit.

Playing with a low number of activations, and no tempo control is really strange, to say the least, lol. Have to play VERY carefully, and be able to think several moves ahead. I had to play Dodonna one game, and that was particularly tough. Rancor Pit is DEFINITELY a great map for this squad though. There's really not anywhere to hide. :P

My first round last night was against Trace, who was trying out the new Yoda. He had GM Yoda, Dash RS, 3 Antarian Rangers, Queen Amidala, a Youngling, Mas, and 2 Ugos. We played on my map (only time this happened all night, lol), and he took the Pen side. First round was mostly advancement, with him moving slowly up on his side, while I moved the majority of my squad up behind the wall, but below the 'horn' in the center. The Dark Woman used Force Cloak, and a long run by Yobuck and a swap later, she was sitting comfortably in the gambit area. 2nd round, I decided to bite the bullet, and tow-cabled Yobuck out, then charged down the field, killing an Ugo and the Youngling, and then doing 40 to Dash, who was still hiding in the Pen. Dash did manage to hit Yoda a good amount. Later in the round, I ran up TDW, then swapped in Rex, and then killed 2 of the Antarians. The following round, I won init, and decided to activate Rex first, killing the last Antarian, shooting at Yoda twice, and then moving to open the door to the Rancor Pen (had mistakenly let it close, trapping Yobuck and Dash in there, so no swap. Whoops. Trace made a brilliant move here, and took the AoO on Dash, and moved to base Rex, and killed him, something I hadn't seen coming. Then his Yoda moved into the Pen to Twin on Yobuck. I made another mistake here, as I could have locked GMY in the Pen, but I activated in the wrong order, and Amidala finished off R2 before I could get him to safety. Worked out OK in the end though. I swapped Yobuck and TDW, and TDW killed Dash, then ran from Yoda, leaving him in the closed room. Yobuck then ran to chase down the last Ugo and Amidala. TDW killed Mas over the next two rounds, making Yoda have to open the Pen door himself, but by then it was too late. Yobuck killed Amidala, then just as GMY arrived to try and finish off Yobuck, I swapped in the Caamasi instead. Time was called about this point, with Trace having only GMY left on the board. There were a few moves early in the game where Trace took a lot of time deciding what to do, and I tried to tell him that it would've made a big difference if he'd played faster then. Also, we were only playing 50 minute rounds, so in a full hour, would've been interesting to see who would've come out on top. I would've had to depend on Yobuck's Block and Panaka's Bodyguard in order to squeak out the win if there had been more time. Lobo 1-0

2nd round I played against James (different James than most people know). He's a newer guy to the game, only been playing a few months. He decided to get one last use out of GOWK before the banning. ;) So his squad was GOWK, Queen Amidala, Anakin Jedi (map pack one), Sev, Elite CT Commander, a few Clones, and a couple Ugos. We played on his Mos Eisley map. I picked off one of his Clones and actually put 20 on GOWK in the first round with a towed Rex. 2nd round I finished off Sev and took two more shots at GOWK which did nothing (he Soresu'd away a LOT of damage this game, didn't keep track though darn it!). He decided to charge GOWK into the fray, running 12 and putting 20 on my Rex. Yobuck then ran to finish off the other clones, and put 20 on each Amidala and Anakin, though I believe he made his Block save (he failed a lot of Djem So saves though). The following round, I won init, and tow-cabled Rex away from GOWK to protect him. Yobuck wailed on Amidala and Anakin again, and then Rex finished off Padme. Anakin finally died as well, but he did manage to get Yobuck down to maybe 40 HP before that happened. He pulled off two Deadly attacks on Yobuck, and I only blocked one of them, while he also blocked the one crit that Yobuck landed on Ani, lol. Basically, came down to GOWK vs. my whole squad at the end, with only 20 damage on GOWK at that point. It took a full 4 or 5 rounds for my squad to finish him off. Just had to wail on him with everything I had, and eventually he ran out of FPs for the last round of shots from Rex. I swear, he easily avoided 300+ damage throughout the game though. I hadn't been counting real carefully, but I know there were 2 full rounds where I hit at least 3 out of 4 shots from Rex, and did no damage at all. I did end up losing Yobuck, but GOWK only had 20 left by then, so he eventually succumbed to Rex's onslaught. Lobo 2-0

Round 3 was against Matt, and was probably my toughest game of the night (just barely more than the 4th round though). He had Mara Jedi, 2 Ossus Guardians, Wedge, Dodonna, Lobot CLO, and 2 Ugos. We played on his Rancor pit map. I hate stupid Evade. I played from the outside, and first round I used a Towed Rex to try and take out both his Ugos. I miss the 1st shot, and then he Evades the next two, but finally dies from the 3rd shot. Grr. 2nd round he rushes Rex with an OG, but has to move 8 to get there. Rex attempts to unload on him, needing 6's to hit, and promptly misses 3 out of 4 attacks, doing a whopping 10 damage from it all. It's here where I decided to get a bit gutsy. I used TDW's Phase and then a Swap to put Yobuck closer to Matt's commanders, but still 8 or more from Mara and his other OG. He protected Lobot from me that turn, but not Dodonna, so I went for the General. Wouldn't you know I roll a 1 on the Galloping Attack, after I'd already used a FP for Master Speed just to get to him? GRR! I thought Mara would challenge TDW that round, but Matt decided on a smarter action, and took pot-shots at R2, bringing him down to 10 hp. The next round I lost R2, but Matt also lost Dodonna, and then Wedge and Lobot took 20 each, with a 25 square Gallop (so much fun!). One of the OGs ran from Rex taking the Twin AoO, where I missed 1 shot AGAIN. Then the other OG Twinned on TDW putting 40 on her. Rex managed to wail on that OG, and then a quick swap moved TDW to the back of the map to finish off Lobot. I won the next init and Rex killed the OG that was in my face, but Panaka took 60 from Mara for it. Wedge ran from TDW, moving towards the rest of his squad (I think I missed the AoO here too...missed a LOT of attacks this game). Things worked out OK here though. Yobuck made a gallop to hit Mara and try to finish off Wedge, but Matt rolled two 11's for the darn Avoid Defeat roll. :roll: So Panaka made his last swap of the game and brought TDW up to finish the job on Wedge, yay! The next round, I lost TDW and Panaka to the last OG and Mara, but Rex and Yobuck finished off the OG. The next round Matt won init and Assaulted Yobuck, but he had 130 HP left still, and he rolled a 1 on the first attack, and that's about when time was called. Mara had 40 on her at that point, so I think I had a solid chance of pulling off the win anyways if we'd had another round anyways. Again, Rex missed easily 75% of his shots this game, needing only 6's or 10's most of the time. Wasted on my good rolls in the 1st two games. :P Lobo 3-0

Final game was a tough one too, but mostly in terms of how to position and run around to avoid getting my Jedi chewed to pieces. Played against James Nagaele, who was running a Vong squad with 3 JHs, Yomin, Priest, Advance Officer, and filler. We played on his Rattatak Arena map. He set up sort of oddly, and gave me uncontested 1st round gambit, which was fine with me. Since he only had 1 shooter, I used Panaka to advance with R2 and Rex to Bodyguard against killing R2. I slowly tow-cabled or moved around the sides of the map, and in Round 2, he advanced his JHs out toward the middle of the map. Rex pumped some shots into one of them, again some lousy rolls, and only put like 20-30 damage on him. 3rd round was the real killer though. James was playing very defensive with his tech pieces, and them all bunched up in the back. I tow cabled Rex up, who'd already activated, then swapped in Yobuck, who promptly ran his 25 squares, killing all of James Mouse Droids and Ugos, and putting 20 on the Priest, and then 40 on Yomin with a Crit. Here's where James made his critical mistake. He moved a JH back to harrass Yobuck, and the other two up towards TDW, hitting her for 40 with one of them (other one was too far away). He won the next init, and he could have Twinned Yobuck with the JH, getting Cunning as well since the Advance Officer was nearby, and probably done 60-80 damage rolling 3's or higher. But he chose to try for the Thud Bug on Yobuck instead. I made the save, and then Yobuck used Galloping attack, and ate an extra 30 damage from an AoO and failed Poison save in the process, lol, but I killed his whole backfield and all his Tech pieces. So at this point, he had just the 3 JHs left, plus his scrub shooter. At that point, it was fairly easy clean-up as I swapped pieces around back and forth to put Rex where I needed him to wail on the JHs. JHs without any boosting have a tough time dealing with Rex. James did win one other init and managed to Thud Bug Rex though, lol, but I swapped him out, then locked that JH behind a door, giving me time to deal with all the others. I killed the rest of the pieces, and won with gambit before that last JH could escape around the locked door. Lobo 4-0

I had an absolute blast playing this squad. Honestly, I think I should've had a MUCH tougher time against the Vong build, but James hasn't run Vong very much, and was struggling with how to keep his Tech protected from Yobuck. That 160 HP allows you to easily soak up an AoO or two, just so you can run past, kill the Mouse Droids, and go for the tech pieces. The fact that Yobuck needs anything but 1's to kill the MDs is brutal. I really liked this squad overall though. The extreme versatility and unpredictability is incredible. No where is safe on any map, since you've got at a minimum, a 50 square range with Tow, run something else 12, then swap Yobuck for a 26 square gallop. And that doesn't even count the extra distance achieved due to Force Phase! Even using Phase then swapping in Rex can be brutal and very difficult to protect from.

"You either die a hero, or you live to see yourself become the villain."

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 Post subject: Re: Cincinnati OH, 150 Pts, 7/16/09
PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:20 am 
Droid Army Commander
Droid Army Commander
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James melee :D really did I read that right? It was an odd map for melee though.

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 Post subject: Re: Cincinnati OH, 150 Pts, 7/16/09
PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:40 am 
One of The Ones
One of The Ones
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Hahaha, yep. James was playing Melee. He did fine with it until he faced me, and I've played Vong enough to know how to deal with them. :P He really struggled with using the Vong tech pieces correctly from what I understood. I think the first game he didn't realize that the Priest's Scarification was an SA and not a CE, so he was depending on the Mouse Droids and had to switch gears.

For a guy who doesn't play melee often, and by his own admission doesn't like to play melee, he did pretty well with it.

Yeah, I think I'd suggest a different map to him as well if that's a squad he intends to run regularly, but it's the new map and we're all having fun trying them out. And it's honestly a good map for his play-style, just maybe not that particular squad.

I've had a tough time deciding the right maps for Vong squads anyways, so I'm not really sure what would be a better choice.

"You either die a hero, or you live to see yourself become the villain."

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 Post subject: Re: Cincinnati OH, 150 Pts, 7/16/09
PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:11 pm 
Imperial Dignitaries
Imperial Dignitaries
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Way to go, Aaron! I'm glad you like the squad. I actually haven't had a chance to play it yet (I used the 200pt version instead), so I'm glad you found success with it. I've always enjoyed Yobuck, and now he's even more fun because of TDW.

And yeah, I hadn't thought of the option of using TDW to wall-walk and then swap for Rex...I was always thinking of Yobuck right away instead. Nicely done!

"Try not! Do, or do not. Thereisnotry." --Yoda

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