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Unlimited "life"?
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Author:  sthlrd2 [ Tue May 11, 2010 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Unlimited "life"?

I was just thinkn this might be fun to try. What your opinion
Sion. 69
malak dlos. 49
dash rs. 28
r7. 8
ugh x2. 6
mouse x2. 6
sith apprentice. 22
sid-o-gram. 11
10 activations

well Sion might actually be able to hit with malak in there and he's got dash to shoot behind him. I know not very competative, and totaly dependent on Sion staying alive but could be fun to see how many times you can bring him back. Has anyone tried somthin like this and how many times did he make his eternal hatred save?

Author:  Demosthenes [ Tue May 11, 2010 10:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unlimited "life"?

This looks a lot like a squad I want to run when I get Sion. I'll try it out if I ever get him and see how it goes! :D

Author:  LoboStele [ Wed May 12, 2010 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unlimited "life"?

Sion is just so easy to kill, IMO. In our local group, we like to play Dream Team (no faction restrictions) and several times, somebody has brought Sion, but also included stuff like Leia Skywalker (re-rolling saves) and then something with Force Spirit (Yoda of Dagobah, Obi Unleashed, etc). So, Sion usually ends up with a ton of FPs, and the ability to spend FPs more than once, and then also getting free re-rolls via Leia's CE. But even with all of that to boost Sion, he's always quite easy to beat. His main weakness is in his low Defense and lack of Defensive powers, IMO. All it takes is rolling a 3 on that first Eternal Hatred save to ruin your game. Granted, the Malak/Dash combo is a fairly good backup, but with only 10 activations, Dash will almost never get to use Opportunist.

I think squads like this are fun, but are Tier 2 at best.

Author:  TimmerB123 [ Wed May 12, 2010 9:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unlimited "life"?

--Eternally Hating, Sion--
69 Darth Sion
49 Darth Malak, Dark Lord of the Sith
28 Dash Rendar, Renegade Smuggler
27 Lobot
11 Darth Sidious Hologram
4 Gran Raider
12 Mouse Droid x4

(200pts. 10 activations)

I made this squad a while back. Didn't ever get to play it - but it reminded me of it. This version loses some power from the apprentice, but you can get more activations - so as Aaron pointed out, maybe you can get the opportunist off. Also - you can add a bodyguard, or R7 for double override. Or simply good old wicket and Garindan.

I love Lobot

Author:  sthlrd2 [ Wed May 12, 2010 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unlimited "life"?

Well actually that does seem better cause the apprentice isn't all that much power, the renewal with grip is cool but that's still only 10 damage which that would be made up by getting opportunist with dash which means you'd have to get him up in contact to do more damage and if your going to do that a bodyguard might be better to help keep Sion and malak alive and then like you said more activations. And yes I know Tim you love lobot, you always seem to get the most out of him and whenever I use him it seems like a waste of points but that's why my squads always seem to have a little more power than yours but power isn't always the way to go maybe that's why I place 4th and you always seem to be ahead of me.

Author:  lonescout [ Wed May 12, 2010 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unlimited "life"?

I have never seen anyone win even ONE game using Darth Sion. I'm not saying he never has or can, but it has always come down to how fragile he is at 69 points. Storm Troopers have a defense comparable to him. The other problem is his lack of offense. With Darth Malek DLotS, he should have an attack much higher than 15, and with the ability to only attack once on the move, or twice standing still just isn't worth 69 points to me.

I would dare say, playing Dash RS vs Sion one-on-one will usually result in Dash winning. Simply stated, this is a for-fun squad that you might actually only have fun if other for-fun squads are using terrible minis.

I have been thinking of ways to redo Darth Sion to suggest for V-Sets and have come up with a decent Darth Sion because if there was ever a mini that needed to be redone, it is Darth Sion. I'll post it in the customs section if you would like to take a look at it.

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